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Lv 5

looking for european handbags designer or brands, like coach & michael kors...?

plz tell me the names of local european designers (not LV, Parada or burberry)

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer



    there's heaps on net-a-porter

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    On veut servir la m fid client et on a gard les m employ soulignent les nouveaux propri Pour que la transition se fasse en douceur, ils b d de l b de l g Alain Rock, pour lequel Mme Dubois n que de bons mots.Tout en r vouloir poursuivre la tradition, Dubois pr qu tentera d une client plus jeune les vendredis et samedis. Mais pas question d faire une discoth assure t il.R en vueLe jeune entrepreneur pr r la fa de l et la vieille enseigne de la taverne,

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    hi,friend,of couse, Michael Kors is still in style.

    I know a website where michael kors handbags are attractive in price and quality.I always buy bags on it for mygirlfriend.And she is all enthusing about it.

    So I think you can have a look,I'm sure that you can find it which is long to you.

    Good luck.

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