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What animes involve pregnancy in a main character?

I'm really looking for a good anime involving pregnancy with the main character cause it always makes it more interesting .

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    NANA -

    "Nana Osaki is a guarded and ambitious young woman with a strong will and a rough past. She is the vocalist for a punk band called Black Stones and she desires fame and recognition more than anything else. Nana Komatsu is an outgoing and flighty young woman with a weak will and a stable past. Her life revolves around her desire to find love and marriage. The two meet for the first time while traveling to Tokyo - in pursuit of their respective dreams - and they later decide to be roommates. Although drastically different people, the two become very close and together they find out if their biggest dreams have room for their best friend."

    Clannad After Story -

    " Life continues on for Tomoya. A few months have passed since he confessed his love to Nagisa. Now entering the second semester, he continues to meet a variety of different people, expanding his own world in the process. As well, Tomoya and Nagisa's relationship begins to enter a level of intimacy unlike before. Through his relationship with Nagisa, and his various encounters, Tomoya begins to understand the meaning and importance of family. Unfortunately, as Tomoya and Nagisa begin their own family together, they are faced with many hardships and challenges along the way."

    Itazura na Kiss -

    "In the romantic comedy story, a high school girl named Kotoko finally tells a fellow senior named Naoki that she has loved him from afar since she saw him on their first day of high school. However, Naoki, a haughty "super-ikemen" (handsome male) with smarts and sports talent, rejects her offhand. Fate intervenes when a mild earthquake ruins Kotoko's family house. While the house gets rebuilt, Kotoko and her dad stay at the home of her dad's childhood friend...whose son is Naoki."

    Kare Kano -

    "Yukino Miyazawa is really, really vain, and loves to hear people praise her. She's always been the best at everything, and always tries to look perfect. But when Yukino goes to high school, she's finally upstaged--by Souichiro Arima, who scores better on the entrance exams and instantly snatches the attention of the class. By accident, Arima finds out that Yukino is just pretending, and this starts off a series of events that lead to Yukino and Arima falling in love. They then have to cope with a lot of obstacles in their relationship."

    Source(s): Summaries from ANN.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    What animes involve pregnancy in a main character?

    I'm really looking for a good anime involving pregnancy with the main character cause it always makes it more interesting .

    Source(s): animes involve pregnancy main character:
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    ► Nana (47 episodes, Comedy/ Drama/ Music/ Romance/ Shoujo/ Slice of Life/ Josei)

    ► Itazura na Kiss / It Started with a Kiss (25 episodes, Comedy/ Romance/ Shoujo)

    ► Clannad (23 episodes, Comedy/ Drama/ Romance/ School/ Supernatural) -- NOTE: pregnancy occurs during the second season, not the first. You'd have to get through the first season in order to watch the amazing, top rated second season of Clannad: The After Story

    ► Kare Kano / His and Her Circumstances (26 episodes, Comedy/ Drama/ Romance/ School/ Shoujo/ Slice of Life)

    ► School Days (12 episodes/ Drama/ Romance/ Harem/ Seinen)

    ► Ayashi no Ceres / Ceres, Celestial Legend (24 episodes, Adventure/ Comedy/ Drama/ Horror/ Romance/ Shoujo/ Supernatural/ Psychological)

    ► Koizora (a manga & movie, but not anime)

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