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Lv 6
NXile asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 8 years ago

Are any of you guys old enough to remember?

"Pop Guns"? They looked like Daisy BB guns, but just make a "POP" when you pulled the trigger. I liked poking mine into some moist earth, so it would pick up a plug of dirt. When I shot it, it was a dirt shotgun. I shot my big sister with it, while she was harassing me one day, and I never saw it again.

7 Answers

  • C_F_45
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Cap guns were better, but yes I remember pop guns.

    They made a pretty good pop when you jacked the barrel. Stick the cork back in and do it all over, it was good fun.

    Internet service was pretty slow back in the 50's and 60's, and video games were not all that great yet, so you had to entertain yourself(yes, I'm kidding)

    Since it's nostalgia night.

    I remember

    TV = Test Pattern / Bonanza on Sunday night / Red Skelton on Tuesday night

    Steve Allen on the radio

    Saturday baseball game of the week and the Hamm's Bear

    Poodle Skirts

    Shooting marbles / clearies, shooters and steelies, etc

    Pulling a little red wagon around town collecting pop bottles / .02c for the small ones .05c for the big ones. Yes, people used to just toss them out their car window.

    Going to the movies for 2 bits

    .08c hamburgers

    .17c gas / my Dad pulling in and requesting a "Dollars worth of Ethel" in the 49 Packard

    Your turn

  • 8 years ago

    Yes I do. It had a string to the cork and I removed the string and shot modified wine corks with it. Dad took it from me after I shot little bro in the rear because I stick a needle in the end and after bro howled in pain so did I from a real butt warmin from pop! lol

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Cabelas sells them.

    Chances are, your Granddad could make one, maybe your dad, but with the wholesale demise of wood/metal/auto shop classes and the political hissy about guns if you are under 30 you would not have been allowed to make one, even if you still had wood-shop at your HS.

  • 4 years ago

    the country had a recognition, throughout the time of that era, of being able to of achieving virtually something it got down to do. The Russians could no longer shop up with the country. It replaced into very costly and the fundamental technologies replaced into no longer mature adequate to succeed. the great distinction that attempt made replaced into, it tipped the stability of ability throughout the time of that era of the chilly conflict and the Russians finally threw interior the towel, ending the chilly conflict with out ever firing a shot. Communism replaced into as quickly as lower back time-honored as being a failed political and economic device. Reagan spent a fortune. celeb Wars in no way succeeded, however the tip of the chilly conflict must be credited to the strikes of Ronald Reagan. The technologies discovered replaced into no longer wasted. We do now have useful missile protection structures that isn't tournament as much as that lofty purpose, yet they're of earnings and does not exist if it weren't for those efforts forwarded by way of Ronald Reagan. Clinton used those missile protection structures extensively to dam the scud missiles fired by way of Saddam Hussein of Iraq. i replaced into approximately 40 years previous whilst Ronald Reagan replaced into President and he replaced into for specific the terrific American President throughout the time of my lifetime. Reagan is additionally credited with pulling u . s . a . of america out of a poor economic project and for growing to be over 20 million new jobs interior the internal maximum sector.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Yesss i rememba those! :) haha ugh i used to be scared of them.. Are you talking about the guns with those plastic orange on one side blue on the other side flower shaped ammunition guns? :)

  • 8 years ago

    They still have those at Cracker Barrel.

  • 8 years ago

    think I've seen them at my Cabela's

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