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Why do guys want me so much?
Ok. You're probably thinking I'm being concieted, but I really need a answer!
I'm such a b*tch to boys, well I like to lead them on for a while then after I just give up and tell them I was just using them. But they seem to want me so much and are willing to get me even though they can't (becoz I'm not interested). Like I'm not a slag or anything, still a virgin, never had a boyfriend, quite high maintence, very picky in what I want. I think too much of myself in a sense that I believe I deserve everything I want! But I'm not vain I don't think I'm the prettiest person ever but I do attract a lot of males.
But it doesn't make sense I've had boys tell me there in love with me and it's kinda scaring me because I didn't think leading people on would turn into something serious!
I know I need to stop, but why are these silly boys.. well young men into me even though I'm a b*tch loool?!?!
3 Answers
- Anonymous8 years agoFavourite answer
tell them u dont want to have a boyfriend for personal reasons
also, thats pretty mean of u (tho u probably already knew
but yeah, its a good thing ur still a virgin
- 8 years ago
Come up with funnier ****, troll
Source(s): 3 answers is all you got.. - 8 years ago
You were a ***** to me in school last month and i was in love with you and you told me no way!!!!! So coinceited. jk. idk maybe they want to **** you, respectively. send me a picture of you and ill tell you why.
Source(s): me