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  • Are gallstones linked to diabetes?

    I was diagnosed with gallstones at 16 and had my gallbladder removed. Now I'm 20 I'm scared of the risk of having diabetes. I have such a sweet tooth and enjoy chocolate and sweets. I eat so much sugar. But I don't really eat a lot - if that makes sense. I have a very fast metabolism. Literally. Even if I drink water I have the urge to pass my bowels lol. I go number two every time I eat or drink. But I'm scared i might have diabetes being I'm always eating sugar and drinking fizzy drinks and have a feeling gallstones may be linked to diabetes! I've also looked at the symptoms and I don't know if it really helped because I'm always thirsty and obviously being thirsty will make you go toilet a lot. I'm always tired because I'm lazy lol. Sometimes my down there is itches but I just think it's due to the excessive washing and I may be allergic to the soap.. HELP? I know I tend to ramble on ALOT!

    3 AnswersDiabetes5 years ago
  • I'm tired of living!?

    I'm done with life. I've been kicked out of university, I have no money and have never had a job, so it's hard to find work. I can see my life is heading in turmoil. I've tried to hang myself, but failed. My family and I have poor social skills. We hardly converse or communicate, but when we do; we argue. My mum is the worst. She constantly calls me names and hits me. She's such an ANGRY woman! I was sexually molested by my sister at a young age and that has caused problems for me. Now I'm older I know that has taken a toll on me and now it's effecting my interpersonal skills. I can't go too much into detail because one I'm too paranoid someone will put two and two together and figure out this is "me" talking. And two, the characters are running out. But in all, I just want to end my life. I'm 20 and can see I have no future and KNOW no one will miss me when I'm gone:) this might not sound as extreme or miserable, but trust me I have NOOOOOO life ahead of me. I'm just a person who won't go far in life, even if I tried.

    4 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • What are some petty crimes?

    I can name a few like; begging, phone or computer hacking, downloading "illegal" content from web e.g music, films, racism or discrimination

    Shoplifting and theft are considered petty, depending on the extent. But I don't just mean petty crime due to the extent or severity of crime, I'm talking about its actual all-rounded nature (if that makes sense)

    It's for a sociology essay and I have to give a deep analysis of these type of crimes...

    Can you name me a few?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • My sister molested me as a child?

    I'm a girl

    I'm 18

    Sister is 7years older than me

    This type of abuse happened probably 10-11years ago.

    Initially it started when I was a child, I never knew what sex, abuse or intercourse was. I was just an vulnerable, naive little infant who followed the older siblings because "supposedly" they knew what was right and wrong. To begin, I remember me and my sister use to take baths with eachother - I don't know if that's weird, or if people do that now. But in the 90's it was common. Or probably it's common within my culture. Anyways I remember my sister use to try rub her ***** on to mine and I didn't like it! Also when we was alone in the room she use to make me dry hump her. So she would rub her vag on mine whilst wearing clothes. Being young and naive I thought it was normal. I use to enjoy the feeling and did get sexually aroused. The reason why I'm bringing this up now is because I think this traumatic event lead to me having multiple personalities, being depressed and suicidal. I think this is the cause because I've got this resentment towards my sister. I try to act nice and pleasant but deep down I feel physically sick because it's all forced. Me and my sister argue a lot we throw horrible retorts at each other, so I retaliate by calling her a rapist and a molester and she hates it, because she knows it's the truth. Because when I call her other things she doesn't retaliate as bad. But this is effecting me I want to tell my family but I'm afraid of what will happen

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Whats the difference between excluded, expelled and suspended?

    Basically my friends got into a serious incident at school where one is being expelled from school. One is being suspended and the other excluded. All of these terms and confusing me .. are none of them allowed back, are they getting kicked out for a bit?! So confused

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • Who do you think the worst actors/actresses in eastenders are?

    Just thinking about it the acting on eastenders is getting worse and worse. It's not believable anymore and the storyline about the carters is absolute bullsh*t!! So glad some of the previous sh+t actors have gone, but we're still watching piss poor acting which makes me want to pull my hair out!

    Abbie branning she's absolutely sh*t I'm not even gonna go there!

    Jay (Abbie bf) he use to be good at acting when he was younger playing an obnoxious brat but now he's terrible

    Ben Mitchell old & new one don't even know where to start


    Johnny carter

    Nancy carter

    Shirleys sister - fxck knows her name




    Jake (cheated with Lauren)

    I can't think of any more, but the better or best actors are:

    Whole of mitchell family excluding Ben - previous and present






    Jean slater(should have won an fxckin Oscar)!!

    Micheal moon - should have won best actor


    Masood, zainab and tamwar

    Dont you think eastenders is getting worst, state the worst/best actors

    4 AnswersSoap Operas7 years ago
  • Can skin bleaching causes cancer?

    Can skin bleaching/whitening cause cancer? Well I have a friends who quite light now, her skin colour is like a light yellow colour and she's been bleaching her skin with carolight for 3-4 years. She says she bleaches becoz she wants to be light skinned like my colour ( I'm mixed race) but I tell her she's beautiful & that being light won't make a difference. Anyway she told me her mother has been bleaching for years , but for different reasons and tbh she has had no side effects? Or has never had problems (that's what she told me) But my friend is young will something happen to her. Apparently it's rare to get skin cancer like 20-30% I would say. Just tell me what can happen becoz my friend is really insecure and she needs to STOP! No mean comments or I will report:) thanks xox

    3 AnswersCancer8 years ago
  • I hate my family part 2?

    If you've read the first part this will make sense! Anyway my mum beat me up because she thought I slammed the door because I was angry at her which I didn't! She tends to beat me at the wrong moments Which really anger me.. My sister and her are close and it angers me because of what my sister did to me when I was little. Tbh she has contributed to why my brain is so fxcked up! I tend to distance myself when there together because it makes ne think why would my mum love her more than she lives me! She's poison! So that's added to the reason why I've got an bad relationship with my mum! Tbh my mum is just a b*tch she thinks shes special when she's not! She angers me so much I say horrible things but it's all her she loves to see me upset! When I ignore her or move away from her she will follow me and still emotionally drain me! Its not even typical things mum says when there angry she's very vindictive and likes to lower my cofidence! If you met me youwouldnt believe how shy and socially awkward I am! It's all her and my sister I tell them your both the reason why I'm messed up and then again they start bullying me! That's the word BULLYING they gang on me tease me, name call all sorts coz they now AMA say Something bk then when I do it's 100000000% worst! Today I've had enough because my mum love twitsing stories to make me look bad when she's messed me up in the head I don't even wanna write the things she says coz it's so evil and it will make u guys think "wow your mums bad" when i don't want u to think that! I dunno she's not evil just a rubbish mum and i don't hate her just dislike her but I hate my sister I hope she rots in hell! She should have died instead of my dad and I keep reminding her becoz I mean it! can't live with this abuse no more physical & mainly emotional! I wanna move out into a hostile or tbh just die! I've been trying to find hooks in my house so I can hang myself n there's none! I dunno what to do, who to talk to! I suggest readin part1

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • I hate my family? Need advice?

    This is the first time admitting this to anyone! I normally write questions stating why I hate my family and the relationship with them but I tend to leave bits out so people just make assumptions on what I write and tend to comment "oh you're such a spoilt brat" "get over yourself" "there's people in worser situations than you" and it pisses me off! I really need advice because I have a feeling I won't make it til 20 because I'm going to end up killing myself (FACT)! I really really dislike my family mum and sister it irritates me to see them happy, you know why? Because when I was younger my older sister sexually abused me! And yes I'm a girl btw! She performed sex acts on me and little did I know what was going on! Anyway my mum and sister have a strong bond I know in my heart my sisters my mums favourite but she Denys it. Me and my mum tend to argue. We argue everyday and there not just small disagreements! I'm a rude child I will say hurtful things to my mum ONLY because she's spiteful to me and loves to emotionally abuse me! She's always calls me ugly and spotty that's why I cake myself in makeup! She makes fun out of me self harming, she makes fun of me not having any friends and she blames me for it even though she doesn't know the truth! My mum is so spiteful and so straight up it's fucked me up in the head! I think people have noticed I'm bi-polar because of alot people have said "oh you're quite strange/interesting/crazy" because of my spilt personality and yes my mum laughs and makes fun outta me. Whenever we argue she complains to my sister, her partner, my nan & aunty and twists the story and everyone sees me as the devil child. Just 30mins ago my mum beat the **** outta me because I slam the door. Tbh I slammed the door coz I was reacting something. Another mental thing I do ( u probably don't get it). Anyway when my sister and mum are close omg I hate it I hate it hate it so I keep my distance MyCHaractersAReRunningOutI'llMakePArt2ButINeedAdvice TBC.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • How do you know if other girls are jealous of you?

    Here it is... It might be long + I tend to go off track so bare with me! Ok so I'm 16 just started a new 6th form it's really good education wise and I know some people there so Im not alone lol.. Well not to brag.. I do dress well as in i buy the latest trends e.g jordans, designer bags, true religions etc.. and I'm quite pretty ok enough about me coz I really hate sounding vain.. But anyways 6th form you can wear anything but jeans, so People can get dressed up instead of wearing a blazer or whatever.. So today we was in some hall with all the year12s and we had to sit in groups, next to our table there were these two girls who are gorgeous, very pretty girls! And they kept staring at me I could see them from the corner of my eyes so I turned and smiled then they gave me the dirtiest looks and kissed there teeth so I looked away.. Then as we're doing activities which involved all of us moving around getting to know people etc.. They barged passed me even though there was space, so I sat back down and went on my phone.. And some boy asked me are you ok but I said I was fine.. Then after me and the boy became friends we started talking and making jokes.. Later on we had another acitivity Which involved groups getting up in front of everyone presenting their product, so my group went up and I saw the girls looking at me whispering and laughing I just ignored them. Anyways it was there turn and they went up with "the boy who asked me if I was ok" group and they started flirting with him infront of me trying to make me jealous even though i dont fancy him (he is very sexy btw not going to lie hahaha) but I like someone else. But the thing is I don't get these girls problem I don't know them! Never seen them before in my life, so why are they out to get me. I've been nothing but nice and they still treat me like sh*t this is my first day and I Wana move becoz I have a feeling there gonna make my life hell if I stay there.. What should I do? Are they jealous?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Why do people think 9/11 was an inside job?

    I'm sure everything that happened was true. I read things and people say; bush caused the towers to collapse... but isn't it common sense how could George bush go into the towers and set a bomb of? Really? Also I hear people say there was no plane crashing into the building and even there's an YouTube video.. But I'm sure witnesses must have seen the plane crash into the building.. Theres so many crazy things I read and that people have said, they even think the planes sent off missles causing the explotion! I'm not no expert on 9/11 but do you think the whole event was an conspiracy. The 12th anniversary is coming up and there are so many programmes on tv about 9/11 it's so sad and sickening! RIP to the innocent people who lost their lives, may God be with you<3

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Alevel courses help?!?

    So Im going to pick my alevels and these are my options; philosophy, sociology, religious studies and communication&culture. Do you think these subjects are linked because I love learning about society and how humans think and why this and this happens.. So do you think these subjects are good and linked, if not should I change any and if I need to change any courses please tell me why and what course it is in comparison with. Thanks for the help:)

    1 AnswerTeaching8 years ago
  • What's is the difference between these terms?

    Death penalty

    Death sentence

    Death row

    Capital punishment

    I was watching a programme and they kept using these different terms. I thought they all meant the same thing lol

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Self harming question?

    I've been self harming for years now, and my family think I do it for attention, but I don't because I didn't even tell them I did, they found out by seeing my scars?

    Anyways they've been asking me 20 questions about self harming and I told them I do it because I like the pain, by hurting myself makes me feel better in someway.. I dunno just feel guilty all the time and feel the need to "punish" myself. But anyways I'm really upset because when I was asked about my cuts my sister asked me if I bleed when I self harm I told her I don't i just like the pain of the knife cutting through my skin.. But the reason why I don't push real hard enough is because I know if I bled it would draw attention, (even though they know) but cutting with a knife is harder than using a blade. But my sister said " if you're gonna self harm do it properly then instead of drawing attention." She's kind of angry at me because I harm myself..

    Do you think I'm drawing attention because I'm cutting myself and not bleeding as they say the blood flow helps you relax or something like that.

    I wanna stop but I keep punishing myself, whether its banging my head, biting, pinching, scratching I do it all


    11 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Do I have bipolar? Need help please?

    My sister thinks I do because of my behaviour. I think she's chatting sh*t because she got her masters in pyschology and is too into that subject and compares it to real life situations (which is absolute bull) but anyways I'll explain my behaviour. Tbh I don't really know much about bipolar disorder.... Well I suffer from depression, I sometimes self harm and can be really down and moody. It's the summer holidays and I haven't been outside in 3 weeks, my friends keep asking me to come out to do stuff and I can't be bothered to do anything or talk to anyone. I just switch my phone off and stay in bed or watch tv by myself. My mum goes to work so I'm alone (which I really really love) but when she comes home I stay away from her or go to bed becoz I don't wanna interact with anyone and she just waits for my sister to come back from work to talk to her. Well when I'm in my depressed moods Im so negative towards my self E.g when I'm watching tv and I see a pretty girl I get so angry with myself and say " why can't I be pretty like her" and just down myself... I hate feeling depressed becoz it's effecting my social life. On the other hand, when I'm happy or in an optimistic mood I can be crazy. I will be so happy that I could talk for England. I tend to compliment people more and suddenly my confidence is high.. I compare myself to prestige celebrities aka beyonce, rihanna.. And say I'm prettier than them and make comparisons (which is all out of pity) Also I start ringing all my friends trying to make crazy plans but most of them work and are busy on that day (so then I become depressed again). But when I'm happy I'm always being questioned by my family asking me "where is all of this energy coming from" but I just ignore them. I swear when I'm happy I love everything and everyone. But when I'm down I hate everything and everyone and tend to blame God for all my negativity... I could say one day I'm really happy and the next I'm depressed. Do u think my sisters right?

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What does do'y mean?

    Does it mean anything in slang?

    Or is it an short abbreviation...

    5 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • How can I download music onto iPhone?

    I want to download music from a website instead of downloading an app. I've tried mp3skull but when I click download it just plays the song.. Doesnt have an option to "save" or "download". Also tried but when I copy and paste the URL it says it's invalid even though I did try 5 different songs. Another site is tubidy that doesn't work either, it automatically plays the tune!! I REALLY WANNA DOWNLOAD MUSIC!!!! Most of the songs aren't on iTunes. All these sites work on blackberry and I've used them but not on iPhone... ANY HELP?!?!?!?! Thankss

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • What is a Nielsen family?

    I'm watching family guy and they're a nielsen family .. Peters changing what comes on tv but I don't know what it is and who gets chosen

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Why do guys want me so much?

    Ok. You're probably thinking I'm being concieted, but I really need a answer!

    I'm such a b*tch to boys, well I like to lead them on for a while then after I just give up and tell them I was just using them. But they seem to want me so much and are willing to get me even though they can't (becoz I'm not interested). Like I'm not a slag or anything, still a virgin, never had a boyfriend, quite high maintence, very picky in what I want. I think too much of myself in a sense that I believe I deserve everything I want! But I'm not vain I don't think I'm the prettiest person ever but I do attract a lot of males.

    But it doesn't make sense I've had boys tell me there in love with me and it's kinda scaring me because I didn't think leading people on would turn into something serious!

    I know I need to stop, but why are these silly boys.. well young men into me even though I'm a b*tch loool?!?!

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Can my life get better?

    I really give up with life.

    I don't have no one to talk to, no one I can trust.. I think by doing this anonymously may help me. My story is kind of long, so sorry to bore you. I just need to talk and let my feelings out

    Well I'm 17 and I've had depression for years now. Due to family, friends and school.

    Where do I begin .. Well being an African-Carribean teenager isn't easy especially when it comes to family. My mum is just not understanding, her favourite child is my sister which really bugs me (I have one sister, one brother) that's why me and my brother seem to be messed up. The way she talks to us and treats us is ridiculous and she doesn't even know it!

    Well a few years ago my family found out I've been self-harming and trying to commit suicide I told my mum and sister not to tell ANYONE. What does my mum go do.. Goes and tells the whole family, at first they seemed like they cared, then it went back to normal, everytime I would get down or depressed my mum and sister would make jokes like "oh your mental" "your a devil" your so depressed" and start cracking up! I would just ignore it like I always do, but they always seem to make jokes. My mum treats me like sh*t I can't even explain, well she "emotionally abuses" me. Makes me feel worthless. That's why my confidence is sooo bad, and my self esteem is low. (There's more about my family, but I don't wanna bang on about them, because they're not the only reason why Ive been depressed)

    My friends.. Well what friends? I only have one friend atm, who I go out with but I don't consider as real, because I found out she's been chatting my business to other people. But I don't wanna confront her because she's my only friend. I've got other friends at college, but they live to far and I can't be bothered to go meet them (due to my depression)

    Well the reason why I've only got one friend, is because the other two were snakes, they used to ditch me and treat me like sh*t. IWouldGoOnButMyCharacterAreRunningOut.

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago