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Do I have bipolar? Need help please?
My sister thinks I do because of my behaviour. I think she's chatting sh*t because she got her masters in pyschology and is too into that subject and compares it to real life situations (which is absolute bull) but anyways I'll explain my behaviour. Tbh I don't really know much about bipolar disorder.... Well I suffer from depression, I sometimes self harm and can be really down and moody. It's the summer holidays and I haven't been outside in 3 weeks, my friends keep asking me to come out to do stuff and I can't be bothered to do anything or talk to anyone. I just switch my phone off and stay in bed or watch tv by myself. My mum goes to work so I'm alone (which I really really love) but when she comes home I stay away from her or go to bed becoz I don't wanna interact with anyone and she just waits for my sister to come back from work to talk to her. Well when I'm in my depressed moods Im so negative towards my self E.g when I'm watching tv and I see a pretty girl I get so angry with myself and say " why can't I be pretty like her" and just down myself... I hate feeling depressed becoz it's effecting my social life. On the other hand, when I'm happy or in an optimistic mood I can be crazy. I will be so happy that I could talk for England. I tend to compliment people more and suddenly my confidence is high.. I compare myself to prestige celebrities aka beyonce, rihanna.. And say I'm prettier than them and make comparisons (which is all out of pity) Also I start ringing all my friends trying to make crazy plans but most of them work and are busy on that day (so then I become depressed again). But when I'm happy I'm always being questioned by my family asking me "where is all of this energy coming from" but I just ignore them. I swear when I'm happy I love everything and everyone. But when I'm down I hate everything and everyone and tend to blame God for all my negativity... I could say one day I'm really happy and the next I'm depressed. Do u think my sisters right?
3 Answers
- 8 years agoFavourite answer
Bipolar moodswings last longer than mintues or days. Unless of course, you are on antidepressants, in which case, they may well be making your mood flip extremly happy. It could well be though. There's something about the way you're describing your highs that rings a bell. There is also something called Cyclothymia. if anything, I don't think it's full blown bipolar anyway.
- FlorenceLv 78 years ago
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder which effects a persons mood and is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. In bipolar disorder a person has mood swings from depression to mania which have to last 7 days each to be diagnosed but generally last weeks or months at a time. I developed bipolar when I was 15 and diagnosed at 18, when I was depressed I would sleep constantly, cry, wouldn't leave bed for days, didn't eat, wash, dress, constantly felt suicidal, hopeless and worthless, withdrew myself from family and friends and stopped going to school. This lasted for 6 months. Then I switched into mania when I was constantly full of energy and felt like I was on top of the world I was so happy, didn't sleep for days and if I did I would sleep up to 3 hours only but felt completely awake and full of energy, went out every night abusing alcohol and drugs, got into meaningless relationship, had sex with strangers, had so much confidence, spent every penny I had and even stole from my mum, shop lifted, racing thoughts, aggressive and irritable, psychotic when I would hallucinate and be delusional to the point I stabbed myself and almost my boyfriend, I was constantly doing one thing to the next and I nearly failed college. This lasted for 4 months. Bipolar disorder is something that is very severe and effects your everyday life. I ended up being hospitalised because I was psychotic, hallucinating and delusional.
No you do not sound like you have Bipolar Disorder. Your sister clearly has no idea how Bipolar actually works. It is not switching between happy and sad within a matter of minutes, hours or even days. Its weeks or months long of depression and mania. If you are worried about your mental health then I suggest you see your doctor and get a referral to a psychiatrist.
Source(s): I have Bipolar. - 8 years ago
Nobody can tell you for sure if you're bipolar, but I will say this—I have bipolar disorder and it feels exactly like what you described. If you're worried about it, I suggest going to your doctor and seeing if you can get referred to a psychiatrist.