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I'm tired of living!?
I'm done with life. I've been kicked out of university, I have no money and have never had a job, so it's hard to find work. I can see my life is heading in turmoil. I've tried to hang myself, but failed. My family and I have poor social skills. We hardly converse or communicate, but when we do; we argue. My mum is the worst. She constantly calls me names and hits me. She's such an ANGRY woman! I was sexually molested by my sister at a young age and that has caused problems for me. Now I'm older I know that has taken a toll on me and now it's effecting my interpersonal skills. I can't go too much into detail because one I'm too paranoid someone will put two and two together and figure out this is "me" talking. And two, the characters are running out. But in all, I just want to end my life. I'm 20 and can see I have no future and KNOW no one will miss me when I'm gone:) this might not sound as extreme or miserable, but trust me I have NOOOOOO life ahead of me. I'm just a person who won't go far in life, even if I tried.
4 Answers
- ?Lv 75 years ago
Hang in there you need help you need to be seeing someone about your problems try out counselling it might be a good way to let your emotions out to someone who isn't directly involved in your life
- Anonymous5 years ago
dam it sounds like your going through a tough maybe you should move somewhere else and start a new life. You can meet new people and have a new job.
- codyLv 75 years ago
aww . i care .idk if ul listen or not but god is testing us to see if we can care aobut eeryone purely, love god and love good people who care when its hard. if u want a friend email but please be careful online. i hope u put her in jail tho