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Alevel courses help?!?
So Im going to pick my alevels and these are my options; philosophy, sociology, religious studies and communication&culture. Do you think these subjects are linked because I love learning about society and how humans think and why this and this happens.. So do you think these subjects are good and linked, if not should I change any and if I need to change any courses please tell me why and what course it is in comparison with. Thanks for the help:)
1 Answer
- Anonymous8 years agoFavourite answer
These subjects are undoubtedly linked, but none of these subjects are what Russell Group universities call 'facilitating' and so any ucas uni applications to those universities would be unlikely to be successful.
I would recommend that you do one of history or geography, as both these subjects are about society and its influence on the world. History would go well with RS or Philosophy, whilst Geography would go well with Sociology.
Communication and Culture is a good a level, but not considered as academic as your other choices.
Is it perhaps possible to do either RS or Philosophy, or a combined a level with both of them, since the content of the two a levels is quite similar?