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Are gallstones linked to diabetes?

I was diagnosed with gallstones at 16 and had my gallbladder removed. Now I'm 20 I'm scared of the risk of having diabetes. I have such a sweet tooth and enjoy chocolate and sweets. I eat so much sugar. But I don't really eat a lot - if that makes sense. I have a very fast metabolism. Literally. Even if I drink water I have the urge to pass my bowels lol. I go number two every time I eat or drink. But I'm scared i might have diabetes being I'm always eating sugar and drinking fizzy drinks and have a feeling gallstones may be linked to diabetes! I've also looked at the symptoms and I don't know if it really helped because I'm always thirsty and obviously being thirsty will make you go toilet a lot. I'm always tired because I'm lazy lol. Sometimes my down there is itches but I just think it's due to the excessive washing and I may be allergic to the soap.. HELP? I know I tend to ramble on ALOT!

3 Answers

  • Shay
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Gallstones is not a sign or indication for an increased risk of diabetes.

    Having the gallbladder removed does not increase the risk for diabetes.

    What you eat, including sugar, does not cause diabetes.

    Your increased bowel habits are because of your missing gall bladder. You can discuss the issues with your doctor if it makes you feel better, but the lack of the gallbladder can change your bowel habits, including more frequent bowel movements. There may be a medication the doctor can give you to help with that, especially of the bowel movements are often soft or near diarrhea in consistancy.

    Excessive washing "down there" can cause a ph imbalance which can lead to yeast infections. You should be using a mild soap. DO NOT use any product "down there" that says it is antibacterial. You DO NOT want to kill the GOOD BACTERIA that naturally lives in that region that helps to fight of yeast infections.

    I suggest that you get an annual physical. Have blood work done and have your A1C checked. (that is the best test for diabetes). Talk with your doctor about your symptoms and concerns. But, honestly, the gallbladder and diabetes are NOT connected. If you do have diabetes, it is not because of the missing gallbladder or gallstones.

  • Dan
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Having gallstones does not give you diabetes.

    Eating sugar does not give you diabetes.

    Moving your bowels every time you eat is unusual. You should follow up with your doctor.

  • 5 years ago
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