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Who do you think the worst actors/actresses in eastenders are?

Just thinking about it the acting on eastenders is getting worse and worse. It's not believable anymore and the storyline about the carters is absolute bullsh*t!! So glad some of the previous sh+t actors have gone, but we're still watching piss poor acting which makes me want to pull my hair out!

Abbie branning she's absolutely sh*t I'm not even gonna go there!

Jay (Abbie bf) he use to be good at acting when he was younger playing an obnoxious brat but now he's terrible

Ben Mitchell old & new one don't even know where to start


Johnny carter

Nancy carter

Shirleys sister - fxck knows her name




Jake (cheated with Lauren)

I can't think of any more, but the better or best actors are:

Whole of mitchell family excluding Ben - previous and present






Jean slater(should have won an fxckin Oscar)!!

Micheal moon - should have won best actor


Masood, zainab and tamwar

Dont you think eastenders is getting worst, state the worst/best actors

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer


    Baby Denny,her son


    Poppy, she's gone now.



    Jake = Turned out to be mega boring.



    Tina, Shirley's sister.

    Really miss Michael Moon he was a great actor, and the Slater's

    At least Stacey will be back.

  • 7 years ago

    For me the standout bad actor is the guy who plays Dexter. How he got best newcomer is beyond me. Can't understand a word he says - innit.

    I'm quite liking the Carters much as most of it is unbelieveable and if they go ahead with all this breeding from Lady Di storyline I won't be responsible....

    The woman playing Jean Slater deserved far more than she received - she was brilliant.

    How anybody can say Michael was well acted is beyond me ..... one expression, and a rubbish storyline (which wasn't his fault). Ditto for Janine.

    Too many excellent actors and actresses have, not surprisingly, come and gone from the Soap which is why they are left with what they have right now.

    I cannot leave out mention of the brilliant June Brown. Zainab with Masood - for once some comedy. Ian Beale - comedy also much as I realise his character isn't meant to be funny!! Loved AJ also - again for his camp comedy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Worst Actors And Actresses

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    sharon is awful in my opinion ,not sure if it is her or the writing, Peter Beale is rubbish so is nancy the new girl hopefully she will improve in time

    I agree Micheal moon and jean slater were both fantastic

    shirley is brilliant and so is Ian Beale, AJ tamwars uncle was brilliant too

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