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Why do people think 9/11 was an inside job?
I'm sure everything that happened was true. I read things and people say; bush caused the towers to collapse... but isn't it common sense how could George bush go into the towers and set a bomb of? Really? Also I hear people say there was no plane crashing into the building and even there's an YouTube video.. But I'm sure witnesses must have seen the plane crash into the building.. Theres so many crazy things I read and that people have said, they even think the planes sent off missles causing the explotion! I'm not no expert on 9/11 but do you think the whole event was an conspiracy. The 12th anniversary is coming up and there are so many programmes on tv about 9/11 it's so sad and sickening! RIP to the innocent people who lost their lives, may God be with you<3
11 Answers
- 8 years agoFavourite answer
You seem misguided to me.
If you want real evidence and you're willing to spend time to see it, then thes2 2 videos is all you need.
If after this last video, you still don't think it's an inside job then you're simply refusing to see facts.
R.I.P to victims of 9/11, may their soul rest in peace. Remember that the relative of the 9/11 victims are being treated like dirt by the media and not allowed to ask questions.
Source(s): watch the video - MarkLv 67 years ago
There is just too much evidence now that suggests an inside job: the fact that ALL THE WRECKAGE WAS SHIPPED ABROAD as soon as possible, the fact that even ROLLS ROYCE themselves have said that the engine recovered at the Pentagon WAS NOT the type of engine used on the type of plane (b757) that was said to be responsible. The fact that some of the 'hijackers' are still alive: the fact that no jets were scrambled in time; that no significant plane debris was found at the pentagon site (planes do not vaporize!); that the buildings seem to be demolished, especially building 7; that jet fuel cannot melt steel, even though molten steel was seen "flowing like lava"; that the first responders heard explosions in the basement and within the buildings before they collapsed etc...
-WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein admitted that building 7 was pulled down by a controlled demolition: (He changed his story the next day)
-The technology to bring down buildings with thermite and thermate in nano capacity was developed in the 1980's. They liquidized it in the mid 90's so it could be painted on like a gel coating. The twin towers underwent 'maintenance' for a whole year and guys in white hazmats suits 'painted' the core columns.
-Official version claims the towers collapsed due to 'pancake effect', meaning the floors came detached from steel girders and fell on top of each other, collapsing the tower. If that's the case, why weren't any of the (core column) steel girders left standing?
-Pictures show smoke coming from the basement seconds before the plane hits. People (including firefighters and employees) also heard explosions from below the towers, moments before the plane hit. PEOPLE WERE KILLED AND SOME SERIOUSLY INJURED IN THE BASEMENT.
-Pictures show steel girders with diagonal cuts in the them. This is exactly how controlled demolitions bring down buildings:
-Designers of the WTC say they were built to withstand MULTIPLE impacts from such an aircraft.
-Official version states the plane that hit the pentagon 'vaporised' which is why very little traces can be found. Yet they said they managed to find DNA to identify all of the victims on board. Furthermore the building didn't 'vaporise' in any way. What type of plane vaporises, leaving the building and human DNA relatively undamaged.
-The passport of one of the hijackers in the aircraft was supposedly found in the rubble at the WTC. It's clearly impossible for any personal effects to survive the impact and explosion, therefore it must have been planted.
-All CCTV footage from around the pentagon has been hidden and never released. Why do that if there is nothing to hide?
-86 CCTV cameras show no airplane???
-Released Pentagon Security Camera (FOIA) does not show a 757 and is clearly Missing a frame.
Source(s): - Anonymous8 years ago
We know the Bush administration didn't plan and execute 9/11 because it worked!
Seriously though, while 9/11 was a conspiracy (defined as involving more than one person), the so-called "inside job" conspiracy theories are driven by ideology, self-delusion and a lack of critical thinking skill, not by the evidence. People who make them see what they want to see, not what is. This is why when you hold them to it they can never come up with a plausible explanation as to HOW exactly Bush (or whomever) pulled it off. Usually they resort to name-calling, goal post moving, evasion or just plan disappearing long before you get to that point.
If you are interested in the subject pay attention to the TV documentaries. Many of them are very good and ALL of them are far better than the garbage that gets put on Youtube.
- 7 years ago
The roar of a jetliner (actually two of them) would make people go deaf and damage every building within a square mile just from the noise alone. There has always been *obvious* reasons why jetliners like Boeings have NEVER been allowed to fly over cities unless they are over a certain height.
Jetliners when making the approach have to do so from a certain angle to avoid flying low over the city part. The city part has always actually been a *No Fly Zone* for obvious reasons
- Candy KaneLv 68 years ago
The question you asked is why do people think 9/11 was an inside job.
Why are you looking at drivel on You Tube? Why aren't you watching free full-length documentaries on-line? Just one of them is titled "9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out." It is also on Hulu Plus.
There is also the website for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and the Pilots for 9/11 Truth.
I'm not saying that the government or George Bush did 9/11. However, you asked why people believed that. Watch that documentary and you'll find out why. There are also many more that you can watch on-line absolutely free. I not only watch them. I research what they say and who's saying it.
- Anonymous8 years ago
Jamlord, why should we look at just the low-resolution, low-speed video when there is such overwhelming evidence a plane hit the pentagon? Why ignore the flight data recorder? the radar? The 140 witnesses, about two dozen of whom identified it as a American airlines Boeing 757? The wreckage at the crash site? The human remains? That is what you are asking us to do isn't it, ignore all that and concentrate instead entirely on a single frame of very low quality video from a camera that could not possibly have caught a decent image? Is that what a real investigator would do? That kind of thinking is an example of what the OP is talking about.
- ChelseaLv 45 years ago
Yes 911 was an inside job and i have suspected it from the start. I challenge anyone to show me pictures of the un burnt wings, the titanium engines that would,t melt of the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon. 911 was an inside job.
- Blacklotus27Lv 48 years ago
You know, those who say it's a inside job are mostly stupid Wall Street protestors who were backed by the Communist government. They say this because they want America to collapse by making false statements about it. 9/11 was never an inside job, it was true that Osama did this. But the Wall Street fools just had to make it up by accusing Bush doing the terrorist attack and invade Middle East, and most people fell for what the protestors said about U.S. government. They done nothing wrong except for trying to invade Syria. Here, look at this stupid page accusing U.S. of everything:
- Archer2000Lv 68 years ago
Considering how easy it is to find this information on the Internet, I am surprised that you need to engage anyone in conversation about this topic.
Do yourself a favor and look up the facts and the information for yourself.