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My sister molested me as a child?
I'm a girl
I'm 18
Sister is 7years older than me
This type of abuse happened probably 10-11years ago.
Initially it started when I was a child, I never knew what sex, abuse or intercourse was. I was just an vulnerable, naive little infant who followed the older siblings because "supposedly" they knew what was right and wrong. To begin, I remember me and my sister use to take baths with eachother - I don't know if that's weird, or if people do that now. But in the 90's it was common. Or probably it's common within my culture. Anyways I remember my sister use to try rub her ***** on to mine and I didn't like it! Also when we was alone in the room she use to make me dry hump her. So she would rub her vag on mine whilst wearing clothes. Being young and naive I thought it was normal. I use to enjoy the feeling and did get sexually aroused. The reason why I'm bringing this up now is because I think this traumatic event lead to me having multiple personalities, being depressed and suicidal. I think this is the cause because I've got this resentment towards my sister. I try to act nice and pleasant but deep down I feel physically sick because it's all forced. Me and my sister argue a lot we throw horrible retorts at each other, so I retaliate by calling her a rapist and a molester and she hates it, because she knows it's the truth. Because when I call her other things she doesn't retaliate as bad. But this is effecting me I want to tell my family but I'm afraid of what will happen
3 Answers
- Blue SkyLv 77 years ago
Yes, all the things you're feeling are a result of being sexually abused and you need to seek out a therapist. Not sure if you live with your sister or not, but it would be good to get away from her altogether, if possible. Also, realize this, her behavior was not learned and what I mean by that is she was most likely molested herself by someone in your family or a close friend. I wish you the best and I'm sorry you had to run into the idiot on this thread.
- Anonymous7 years ago
Hi stop it now this is a load of nonsense as you know it is.yes children do try out stuff when young some just need to understand this is all about growing up your current problems have more to do with hormones and nothing to do with what you think happened and making out such things just for attention seeking reasons.
- ?Lv 67 years ago
talk to a Doctor and he will arrange for you too see a councilor you can talk about it with them to make you feel better about it