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I hate my family? Need advice?

This is the first time admitting this to anyone! I normally write questions stating why I hate my family and the relationship with them but I tend to leave bits out so people just make assumptions on what I write and tend to comment "oh you're such a spoilt brat" "get over yourself" "there's people in worser situations than you" and it pisses me off! I really need advice because I have a feeling I won't make it til 20 because I'm going to end up killing myself (FACT)! I really really dislike my family mum and sister it irritates me to see them happy, you know why? Because when I was younger my older sister sexually abused me! And yes I'm a girl btw! She performed sex acts on me and little did I know what was going on! Anyway my mum and sister have a strong bond I know in my heart my sisters my mums favourite but she Denys it. Me and my mum tend to argue. We argue everyday and there not just small disagreements! I'm a rude child I will say hurtful things to my mum ONLY because she's spiteful to me and loves to emotionally abuse me! She's always calls me ugly and spotty that's why I cake myself in makeup! She makes fun out of me self harming, she makes fun of me not having any friends and she blames me for it even though she doesn't know the truth! My mum is so spiteful and so straight up it's fucked me up in the head! I think people have noticed I'm bi-polar because of alot people have said "oh you're quite strange/interesting/crazy" because of my spilt personality and yes my mum laughs and makes fun outta me. Whenever we argue she complains to my sister, her partner, my nan & aunty and twists the story and everyone sees me as the devil child. Just 30mins ago my mum beat the **** outta me because I slam the door. Tbh I slammed the door coz I was reacting something. Another mental thing I do ( u probably don't get it). Anyway when my sister and mum are close omg I hate it I hate it hate it so I keep my distance MyCHaractersAReRunningOutI'llMakePArt2ButINeedAdvice TBC.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I understand what you mean to be honest. Find someone you trust and knows will listen to you (preferably an adult) and et help with the self harming and the hurt you always feel because if you feel this messed up now about it your life could go downhill and you need to male yourself he bigger person. Don't let your mum get to you and talk to someone. Sorry I couldn't be much help. I'm sure you will be fine x

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