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Can skin bleaching causes cancer?
Can skin bleaching/whitening cause cancer? Well I have a friends who quite light now, her skin colour is like a light yellow colour and she's been bleaching her skin with carolight for 3-4 years. She says she bleaches becoz she wants to be light skinned like my colour ( I'm mixed race) but I tell her she's beautiful & that being light won't make a difference. Anyway she told me her mother has been bleaching for years , but for different reasons and tbh she has had no side effects? Or has never had problems (that's what she told me) But my friend is young will something happen to her. Apparently it's rare to get skin cancer like 20-30% I would say. Just tell me what can happen becoz my friend is really insecure and she needs to STOP! No mean comments or I will report:) thanks xox
4 Answers
- Anonymous5 years ago
It's just a bleach burn. You don't have cancer. I use bleach at my work all the time and this happens. It will be sore, white, and scaly for awhile. Your body will heal itself and you'll forget it happened. Just like a paper cut or something.
For the best answers, search on this site
- Anonymous7 years ago
To solve my hyperpigmentation of my skin I browse all over the internet to find a natural safe solution. I found this site that helped me to whitening my sking in a few weeks without drugs or creams
I hope it helps
- ?Lv 78 years ago
There are several ingredients that can be used to lighten skin that are available over the counter and by prescription - the answer will rely on which active ingredient she is using.
The wiki on it actually isn't bad, so I'm including it.