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What are some petty crimes?
I can name a few like; begging, phone or computer hacking, downloading "illegal" content from web e.g music, films, racism or discrimination
Shoplifting and theft are considered petty, depending on the extent. But I don't just mean petty crime due to the extent or severity of crime, I'm talking about its actual all-rounded nature (if that makes sense)
It's for a sociology essay and I have to give a deep analysis of these type of crimes...
Can you name me a few?
4 Answers
- ?Lv 76 years ago
Hacking and illegal downloads can be considered felonies. FYI
Begging isn't a crime
Racisim isn't a crime
Discrimination in the workplace is a felony
Speed limit violations, inspection stickers those are petty
- ?Lv 76 years ago
For your information racism and discrimination aren't crimes, yet. They are still considered to be forms of free speech and expression.