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Can my life get better?
I really give up with life.
I don't have no one to talk to, no one I can trust.. I think by doing this anonymously may help me. My story is kind of long, so sorry to bore you. I just need to talk and let my feelings out
Well I'm 17 and I've had depression for years now. Due to family, friends and school.
Where do I begin .. Well being an African-Carribean teenager isn't easy especially when it comes to family. My mum is just not understanding, her favourite child is my sister which really bugs me (I have one sister, one brother) that's why me and my brother seem to be messed up. The way she talks to us and treats us is ridiculous and she doesn't even know it!
Well a few years ago my family found out I've been self-harming and trying to commit suicide I told my mum and sister not to tell ANYONE. What does my mum go do.. Goes and tells the whole family, at first they seemed like they cared, then it went back to normal, everytime I would get down or depressed my mum and sister would make jokes like "oh your mental" "your a devil" your so depressed" and start cracking up! I would just ignore it like I always do, but they always seem to make jokes. My mum treats me like sh*t I can't even explain, well she "emotionally abuses" me. Makes me feel worthless. That's why my confidence is sooo bad, and my self esteem is low. (There's more about my family, but I don't wanna bang on about them, because they're not the only reason why Ive been depressed)
My friends.. Well what friends? I only have one friend atm, who I go out with but I don't consider as real, because I found out she's been chatting my business to other people. But I don't wanna confront her because she's my only friend. I've got other friends at college, but they live to far and I can't be bothered to go meet them (due to my depression)
Well the reason why I've only got one friend, is because the other two were snakes, they used to ditch me and treat me like sh*t. IWouldGoOnButMyCharacterAreRunningOut.
3 Answers
- 8 years agoFavourite answer
Don't give up :) I won't allow it !!!!
Find something you like, something that makes you happy, it doesn't have to be something big, you could just enjoy music, draw something, play games, buy a pet, try some sports, you don't have to be good in it as long as it makes you happy.
Explore the world, find your own little piece of happiness in this gray world.
Well, that's what I do, and I have many things in common with you, I'm 17 too, have only one friend, was and still am bullied a lot, even thought of suicide once, but I changed my mind the same second that I thought that. You probably think "so why did you change your mind?"
Because there is so many things worth living and it would be a shame to miss that. I'm not talking about big things, but small everyday things like: waking up and hearing little birds sing, listen to new music, swimming, eating ice cream, and all other things that we people usually do everyday and take it for granted.
For me that is happiness, because if you wait for something big you just miss all those little happy moments and then at the end, when something big doesn't happen we feel like there is no happiness in this world and we feel depressed.
That's just how I see it, you may agree or disagree, its your opinion.
- Anonymous8 years ago
Depression is a very serious illness and almost always worsens as you age until you find a solution to stop it completely. I too suffered through chronic depression and can’t count how long I’ve searched for answers as to why I felt this way and have probably seen every doctor in my city trying to treat it. I was put on pill after pill and they would work for a little bit before that darkness crept itself back in and left me feeling helpless and when you feel helpless you can’t really control the thoughts you start having of wanting to disappear or end it and when the thought of giving up and ending it comes into your head it is one of the strongest emotions you will ever feel. I can however tell you that was a long time ago, what I did which was the same as you was went online looking for answers on how to overcome this reoccurring dreadful state I was in. After a while of reading on the web I came across a site called and let me tell you this is the program you need to go through. Stop wasting money on therapists and pills and start this program because to be frank with you, I have never felt better in my whole life and I’m freaking dead serious about that. I haven’t felt like killing myself in over 6 months nor do I self-harm to relieve myself of that deep wound I once had. It taught me how to control and conquer my depression and just made me feel alive again. I now have friends and family that love me and no longer do I hide from the world and walk in it alone and I also have a girlfriend now that I cherish more than anything. There has been countless times where people have ignored others with depression because they think it is a fake sickness or they are seeking attention only to hear about them later killing or severely harming themselves. Just remember depression is a temporary mindset and can be overcame, you just got to stick it through and hold your head high because there is always a shining light at the end of that dark tunnel and I think we all can conquer our weaknesses and become who we want to be. Anyways I hope I have helped you in some way or another and hope that at the very least I put a smile on your face. Have a truly wonderful day.
- Anonymous8 years ago
Ok..dont worry dear...there are millons of people like you ..including me..u r not alone...
Lets think in this direction- Think of end of the world.. and you n ur family and ur so called frnd survived..wot will u do..try to live ur rest life with them..happily and think to make it better life ..instead of worrying.. ADAM N EVE were also alone in this world..if they would have thought like u..thn we people never exists.. So change ur way of thnking and try to b positive..and keep busy urself in ur area of intrest..volenteer and help poor and old people..u will b happy.. :)