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Cheri asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

Self harming question?

I've been self harming for years now, and my family think I do it for attention, but I don't because I didn't even tell them I did, they found out by seeing my scars?

Anyways they've been asking me 20 questions about self harming and I told them I do it because I like the pain, by hurting myself makes me feel better in someway.. I dunno just feel guilty all the time and feel the need to "punish" myself. But anyways I'm really upset because when I was asked about my cuts my sister asked me if I bleed when I self harm I told her I don't i just like the pain of the knife cutting through my skin.. But the reason why I don't push real hard enough is because I know if I bled it would draw attention, (even though they know) but cutting with a knife is harder than using a blade. But my sister said " if you're gonna self harm do it properly then instead of drawing attention." She's kind of angry at me because I harm myself..

Do you think I'm drawing attention because I'm cutting myself and not bleeding as they say the blood flow helps you relax or something like that.

I wanna stop but I keep punishing myself, whether its banging my head, biting, pinching, scratching I do it all


11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    First of all, this is an incredibly stupid question. And I DON'T say that because you asked it. I say that because the nerve of your family getting to you in such a way that it forces you to question whether or not you are harming yourself enough or in a "correct" way is absolutely sickening. Harming yourself intentionally is harming yourself intentionally and THAT'S ALL. THEY are the awful people if they make you feel like you need to punish yourself, because as someone who used to do it, let me just say there is NOTHING that anyone can ever say of you or for you. The world has created this idea that people don't know themselves and it's some big journey to do it. That's wrong. You know who you are, it's everyone else that's trying to tell you that you don't, everyone else that's trying to tell you you need to be a certain way in order to be yourself, when you don't. You do what you want because OF YOURSELF. And trying to punish yourself because you don't know what's best is an oxymoron. You are yourself, you always have been. But you need to know this and you need to know that causing yourself more harm will not fix the problem. I suggest getting guidance from someone else in your life who will actually help you, learn to love who you are and don't think just because you're related to your family means they know you.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well, i used to self harm. Infact, i did it when i was angry! Or when someone had insulted me, id immediately think to go and self harm. It was great at the time, but after a while or when i was feeling 'happy' id always have the cuts there, reminding me of bad things. The main thing id advise you is to stop. Its the best thing. You may 'like' the feeling but its seriously not the option and i want to help!

    Anyway answering your question-:

    No! Only you know if you are attention seeking. Ignore anyone that says you are. Anyway, when i used to self harm i never used to bleed, which is GOOD. Dont try to bleed, blood is red, its bad. Cutting yourself without bleeding is not attention seeking, your SELF HARMING, hurting yourself. There is no deffinition that says you have to bleed. Hurting yourself in any form, weather its hitting yourself, pinching, scratching, is self harm

    If your even interested in stopping:

    Draw on your rist or where ever you cut a flower or something, anything. Name it something that is important to you, like a family member. When you cut through it, it dies. If you do more than one, another one dies. Each time you look at your harming place, itll remind you of someone THAT LOVES YOU.

    Sorry for going on but self harming is a bad metal state really, :(

    Source(s): Studied sociology, experience myself
  • Athene
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You are harming yourself in order to cause a release of chemicals into your bloodstream, such as adrenaline. People typically develop the compulsion because their blood composition is not quite right in the first place, for example due to consuming toxins (posions) or having a poor diet (eg. insufficient iron), or a medical condition such as a defective thyroid, digestive problem or a respiratory issue (breathing problems, which only need to be mild to cause your blood composition to go out of kilter).

    So, to stop the compusions happening you really need to see a doctor. If you can't go on your own and your parents are disinterested, then have a word with the nurse or a teacher at school. Or Childline

    Get well soon :-)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's called self-harm. You are harming yourself. You are not doing it for the attention. Some people do it to release the inner pain, some people do it to commit suicide. Cutting yourself without bleeding IS self-harm, it is still harm, so your sister doesn't understand your situation. I used to self harm with a safety pin because that was the only sharp thing I could find in my room. I didn't bleed but it did scar. It's about pain not if you bleed or not. You are not doing it for attention, they just don't understand you, so they assume you are doing it for attention. Just try and enlighten yourself and please stop cutting yourself, find ways to be happy...

    Source(s): Experience.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I understand.

    There is no need to punish yourself. I think that most of us self-harm because it is comforting to see our pain manifested in some form other than our thoughts. For me, I feel torn up on the inside and I find it comforting to see my body torn up as well. It reflects how I am feeling and I actually get anxious whenever my wounds start to heal.

    Somewhere deep inside there is a problem that you might not understand. You've learned to cope with that problem by cutting, but you need to see a therapist in order to learn new coping mechanisms. I do not think that you're just doing this for attention, but I do think that you need to seek treatment for this problem. There is nothing to be ashamed of and a therapist will be able to help you move past this.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't think you are drawing attention. Lots of people feel that way, but apparently now if you have scars on your skin you're considered someone that is trying to look for attention. But since you even said that you feel like you need to punish yourself, then that is a serious problem. If your parents don't help you, then you might as well just try to stop on your own. No one deserves to hurt themselves physically over something they feel guilty over. It's hard, but sometimes you need to let out your stress on something else. Another thing you can do is to just try to stop feeling guilty over something. Whenever you do something wrong, just accept it and move on. Or do something to fix that situation. But don't think of hurting yourself.

  • 8 years ago

    Attention seeking definitely


    Why not listen to your sister, be a man ,grow up an do something constructive, no sympathy what's so ever for idiots like you.stop playing at selfharming, an get a life, go an talk to people who really self harm,not playing at it. an that will put you off for life An help idiots like you, to turn there lives around , when you look in the mirror is it so cool for ones body to look like pathetic tram lines everywhere, stop being a jerk, find other coping skills instead of ripping your poor body to bits.ask your sister for help , an turn your life round,

    Source(s): From seeing severe self harming,
  • 8 years ago

    It's not attention seeking at all, I did it for 3years when I was 14, mine started when a guy called me fat when I was only a size 12 but that sent me into depression and anorexia. It may sound stupid but the only way I stopped was by finding something that replaced that relieve feeling, mine was a hobby and exercise and exercise realeases good energy and makes you feel good and positive :) plus seeing my friends in short sleeve tops ect in the summer made me feel worse as I was sat their in a hoody :( so try find something you enjoy in life and try taking the next step :) x

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    What's your reason for cutting? I always tell people not to cut its horrible. If want to stop cutting try writing, drawing, crying, singing, basically anything to get the bad emotions out. I always feel a bit better after crying

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You should try getting involved in sports to relax your self or try mixed martial arts

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