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I hate my family part 2?
If you've read the first part this will make sense! Anyway my mum beat me up because she thought I slammed the door because I was angry at her which I didn't! She tends to beat me at the wrong moments Which really anger me.. My sister and her are close and it angers me because of what my sister did to me when I was little. Tbh she has contributed to why my brain is so fxcked up! I tend to distance myself when there together because it makes ne think why would my mum love her more than she lives me! She's poison! So that's added to the reason why I've got an bad relationship with my mum! Tbh my mum is just a b*tch she thinks shes special when she's not! She angers me so much I say horrible things but it's all her she loves to see me upset! When I ignore her or move away from her she will follow me and still emotionally drain me! Its not even typical things mum says when there angry she's very vindictive and likes to lower my cofidence! If you met me youwouldnt believe how shy and socially awkward I am! It's all her and my sister I tell them your both the reason why I'm messed up and then again they start bullying me! That's the word BULLYING they gang on me tease me, name call all sorts coz they now AMA say Something bk then when I do it's 100000000% worst! Today I've had enough because my mum love twitsing stories to make me look bad when she's messed me up in the head I don't even wanna write the things she says coz it's so evil and it will make u guys think "wow your mums bad" when i don't want u to think that! I dunno she's not evil just a rubbish mum and i don't hate her just dislike her but I hate my sister I hope she rots in hell! She should have died instead of my dad and I keep reminding her becoz I mean it! can't live with this abuse no more physical & mainly emotional! I wanna move out into a hostile or tbh just die! I've been trying to find hooks in my house so I can hang myself n there's none! I dunno what to do, who to talk to! I suggest readin part1
3 Answers
- Anonymous8 years ago
wow you have no idea how much i relate. i have only recently sorted a very similar situation out in my own life. after years of family problems mainly between me and my own mother (some also stemming from sexual abuse), i can confidently say there are a lot of options.
i don't know where youre from but here in the UK there is a children's charity called Banardo's who help with people under 18 and they did an absolutely amazing job. they found me a place to live which was semi independent living and i was given a stable lifestyle.
you could also get family counselling which helps a great deal by putting you in a controlled, supervised environment and you don't have to have your sister there, maybe just your sister mum. or maybe just one on one counselling where you can let out your frustration and pent up anger and be given ways of coping.
and i know it sounds ridiculously obvious but maybe, if you haven't already, catch your mum on a good day and explain how your feeling in the calmest way possible.
there are many people out there willing to help people in your situation, your life doesn't have to be like this.
but whatever you do, please do not end your life. everybody has a spark, flare, potential to create magic in this world. don't let that go to waste. this won't happen forever, one day you can put all this behind you and use it as motivation to prove them wrong. it takes a lot of guts to write what you have written here, please don't let this ruin you. its gotta rain before we see the rainbow x
- 8 years ago
I hate parents there so cruel! I think going to a concellor will help:)