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How can I download music onto iPhone?
I want to download music from a website instead of downloading an app. I've tried mp3skull but when I click download it just plays the song.. Doesnt have an option to "save" or "download". Also tried but when I copy and paste the URL it says it's invalid even though I did try 5 different songs. Another site is tubidy that doesn't work either, it automatically plays the tune!! I REALLY WANNA DOWNLOAD MUSIC!!!! Most of the songs aren't on iTunes. All these sites work on blackberry and I've used them but not on iPhone... ANY HELP?!?!?!?! Thankss
2 Answers
- SamLv 78 years agoFavourite answer
Just take any mp3 file and select and add it to your itunes list, then copy to the ipod, iphone, etc. Its that simple, I do it all the time. :)
I also took a bunch of old CDs and ripped them to mp3 so I could add them also.
- 8 years ago
Just install a free download manager from the 'App Store'.
If you want freedom like this in future; I suggest buying something which isn't made by Apple.