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Easy jobs to get in Australia?

I'm moving to Australia from NZ in a couple of months and I just need some help finding a job. What would be the easiet jobs to get there? And would it be a good idea to apply for jobs 2 weeks before I arrive. Also I will have to money to come back home and I want to become a hairdresser but don't think I will get an apprenticeship fast

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Do you mean an "easy job" or a "job to find easily"?

    I've noticed that hairdressers often don't advertise in the papers or on job web-site as much any more. They seem to post their own ad on the individual salon's facebook page. The jobs range from reception to apprenticeships. If you know the suburb or region you want to work, google hairdressers in that area and look for their facebook pages.

    It's the same for lots of other small businesses.

    It doesn't hurt to send your resume through to lots of places before arriving, but indicate when you'd be available to start work, and make sure you allow yourself a bit of time to settle in to Australia first.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    well few things to consider there are no such things as easy jobs to get...

    to get any job is like winning the lottery of life... right time right place who you know etc

    also do not leave home ever if you don't have sufficient money very dangerous thing to do because it also puts pressure on you and the stress that creates is not good

    if you plan on a hairdressing apprenticeship you will find it extremely difficult to survive financially if you have no family to support you the cost of living being what it is and apprentice wages being what they are

    think very carefully please

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You may have a little bit of difficulty finding work because of the drought etc. In SA this is a problem. In addition, families/companies are more likely to give the few jobs there are to those who work yearly, rather than seasonal workers. Having said that, you'll still find something. I think some places still pay by the quantity rather than hourly. Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Un-employment at the moment is the highest its been for some time. Many Australians cannot find employment and now some of the large manufacturers including car makers and associated industries are reducing staff or just closing.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    If you are looking for a writing job online,

    you have to sign to this service

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