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Help me decide my career?
I'm really lost. I have no clue what I want to be but I know what I want to do. Okay, so about me, I'm really artistic, I love to draw basically anything, I can draw basically anything, and I'm pretty good at it. You can't just be an "artist" because there's so many choices. I'm very creative and love to create what I want. I'm thinking of animation.? Does hat sound right? I'm really clueless. I want to go to college to get better and find a good career with a bright future.
1 Answer
- Anonymous8 years agoFavourite answer
Just skip College, its not worth It. You can get a pretty bright future without, some **** known as college.
Find a Painting jobs in your city, and just work. When you have at least 100k, go to Las Vegas and score the Jackpot.