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Did Christ have to be sacrificed? was it really necessary?

At the time the Bible was written mankind was not far removed from paganism. We still blamed the weather on the Gods and still had human and animal sacrifices. Therefore based on our long beliefs of blood sacrifices we created the need for a Holy Sacrific. And during that time sacrifices were common. This is whyJESUS or the belief thst JESUS. had to save us by blood was created. The biblical writings reflected the beliefs of that time. Do you really think if JESUS came in modern times we would think he needed to offered as a sacrifice to save us? That is an old paganistic view. Ask yourself this question: Why would an omnipotent being need to sacrifice his son for us rather then simply forgive us? Isn't the rulemaker? The final decision? If you were a king would u offer your son up as a Sacrifice? Wouldn't pardoning people be easier?

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Personally I never could understand how killing off the son of God absolved anybody from sin.

    Seems to me that was a sin.

  • 7 years ago

    The narrative was a collection of stories, written some 200 years beyond the supposed events, that were passed orally from generation to generation throughout a time of political upheaval. Yes, Jesus had to die, if only to justify change in tradition and to convert pagans while maintaining a semblance of the original dogma to appeal to traditional Abrahamic theists. If "Jesus" were to arrive today, he would be labeled a heretic by Christians and perhaps killed by some of the religion's most commited followers. Contrary to what Lenny Bruce said "“If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses," I propose that a rifle would replace the cross as the symbol of the martyrdom... as he would be assassinated by the bullet of a fundamentalist.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Good question and the sad thing is that the religion still speaks of hell. So we have on the one hand, God in the form of Man killed for our sins, yet some of our sins, eg our not having relationship with God, will still gain us entry to eternal hell. All seems like an incredible waste of time and failed plan I would have thought.

  • 7 years ago

    Did Christ have to be sacrificed? yes

    was it really necessary? yes

    Do you really think if JESUS came in modern times we would think he needed to offered as a sacrifice to save us? yes

    That is an old paganistic view.? no its not it was taken from the old testament and the sin offering.

    you do not know what you are talking about

    Why would an omnipotent being need to sacrifice his son for us rather then simply forgive us?

    forgiving some one does not change the person. the person is still evil and will just sin again

    Isn't the rulemaker? The final decision? yes god makes the final decision

    If you were a king would u offer your son up as a Sacrifice? i am not god but yes if all men were going to be executed and only my son could spare their lives then yes i would offer him up

    Wouldn't pardoning people be easier?


    the people would just do it again

  • 7 years ago

    The whole concept of "gawd sacrificed itself to itself to appease itself" never made sense to me.

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