Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.
11 Answers
- Anonymous4 years ago
Yahoo Technical Helpline@+1^800^782^3911
- Magic MomentsLv 64 years ago
I have that same problem since Saturday using Chrome on the US site. It was fine until I cleared my history and then the whole left side disappeared. On Firefox and IE it is still there on the US site.
It is not just a mobile problem.
To be able to see that left side on Chrome i switched to and it is fine.
No known reason why it happens, it may be Yahoo tinkering with things or a sign of a new format being rolled out or just a glitch, no one know with any certainty.
- ?Lv 74 years ago
This is some type of a glitch that has happen to a number of users. People have been asking the same question here. No one really knows but it happens on both phones and computers. Some say a different browser helps other say clear you cookies an cache on your browser. It just something you will have to live with until Yahoo fix it. Lucky for me this has not happen t me. Hope they fix it soon. Good Luck
- ?Lv 74 years ago
I noticed it's been disappearing and returning too! Refresh page or log out, close window, and get back in.
- Mountain!!Lv 64 years ago
Nothing. For some reason Mozilla does not display it all the time. Explorer display them, but has other problems and locks up occasionally.
- Anonymous4 years ago
Its a glitch or bug, usually refreshing page will make it normal again.
- Anonymous4 years ago
it is still there...
- Anonymous4 years ago
it is still there...........................