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Could I create a marriage, or relationship(boyfriend/girlfriend, fiance/fiancee) contract that prevents cheating? Explanation below.?

Could I create a marriage(husband/wife, prospective husband/wife), or relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend, fiance/fiancee) contract that prevents cheating? Meaning if the girlfriend cheats on her boyfriend, the boyfriend could sue his ex-girlfriend for money, for not being faithful and all. It's called emotional baggage and all, or something similar. Unless you want the ex-boyfriend to committ murder and all. The husband-wife stipulation would be more extreme, either move out of the country and renounce whatever country you are from and make sure the wife doesn't escape so to speak. This is the only way I will ever start a relationship, the ones who don't agree aren't worth my time, so you do know people can adopt and yes singles can adopt as well, as long as they are 'Financially Stable' and all. So Having a family wouldn't be a problem. So there. This is the only way I will ever have a relationship no, ifs ands or buts about it.


this is to prevent divorces and all.

Update 2:

I would never cheat on my significant, no ifs ands or butts about it, i'm more faithful to my religion and all and this is what god means, once you are in a permanent relationship you are supposed to work things out, no questions about it.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 years ago

    With your husband/wife.

  • Tara
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    You can create a contract for this -- put all the terms and agreements in it -- and see if they will do it.

    Contracts are broken, too.

    It's all a gamble.

  • 3 years ago

    that's weird people are natural and if you want them to not cheat they won't if they want to be with you and if they do it sucks but that just means you weren't right for them but you can be right for someone. FYI you definitely can make a contract they would do something like that but i would go a lawyer to get a better answer

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