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Do any white people live in Nova Scotia?
Or is it 100 percent black people?
6 Answers
- Barkley HoundLv 72 years ago
The largest ethnic group in Nova Scotia is Scottish at 28.3%, followed by English (28.1%), Irish (19.9%), French (17.7%), Aboriginal (10.2%), German (10%), Dutch (3.9%), Black (2.3%), Italian (1.3%) and Acadian (1.2%). Just over 47% of the population identifies their ethnicity has Canadian.
- Anonymous2 years ago
there's white people everywhere
- Anonymous2 years ago
Once a troll, always a troll
- 2 years ago
The hell are you talking about?
The largest ethnic group in Nova Scotia is Scottish at 28.3%, followed by English (28.1%), Irish (19.9%), French (17.7%), Aboriginal (10.2%), German (10%), Dutch (3.9%), Black (2.3%), Italian (1.3%) and Acadian (1.2%). Just over 47% of the population identifies their ethnicity has Canadian.