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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesGermanyDusseldorf · 2 years ago

May urges Corbyn to do a deal, what next?


First she grovels to the DUP and now she is grovelling to Labour.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Even now May is playing the political hand. She knows that the Conservative Party is on the verge of imploding and wants to implicate the Labour Party in the Conservative woes.

    Labour have their own problems, but they’re not so dire as the Tories, Corbyn would be crazy to fall into a blatant Conservative trap but has to tread carefully because he doesn’t want to be seen as non cooperative.

    The problem with Mays plan to use Labour as a shield to criticism, is that the Conservative party already did that, to great success I might add, to the Liberal Democrat’s

    On Labour hand, even if they implode, they still have potential allies to form a future coalition, in the form of the Liberals and SNP. The Tories have no one, not even UKIP, nobody trusts them, within Europe or the British Parliament , that’s the ONLY reason they’re opening up to Labour as an ally. It’s all about damage control for the Tories now! May didn’t wake up one day with a compassionate heart after ignoring Labour

    Source(s): For the last three years. It’s not a show of strength but desperation
  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    all the Remoner Politicians will lose seats if we Don't get an agreement

    look at the Brexit party destroying both Liberal Conservative and Labour parties

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    lets look at facts

    CONservatives created this mess

    CONservatives are intent on destroying UK

    CONservative internal civil war, has forced theresa may into making a deal with Labour

    typical selfish serving CONservatives will cut off the nose to spite the face, they will destroy the country, so they can rule over its ashes

    remember who said brexit means brexit

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    The recent council elections results has been a wake-up call and Theresa May knows that the Tory and Labour Party are finished unless they knuckle down and come to an agreement quickly. Both parties are seen as weak and ineffectual by the electorate.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    She is now so desperate, she's liable to do anything to get her way. Trouble is, she will then simply resign and get her £250.000 a year pension for life, while we, the population, will have to live with her demented and cocked-up decisions for the rest of ours.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    While May refuses to compromise there can be no deal. She tried it with the DUP and with her own MPs.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Politics is all about compromise.

  • Jack H
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    She's still banging on that her deal is the only deal, but, now she hopes that she can persuade JC to accept it to avoid the EU Elections, but, if she wasn't so bloody minded and stubborn she could have sorted the whole issue out months ago...

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    If Corbyn does any deal which doesn’t have to be ratified by a public vote, he and his party are finished. They will haemorrhage long-standing supporters. The vast majority of Labour members and supporters want to remain.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It's not her fault, her own MP's let her down three times when they should have backed her up. Labour should back her up, I'll be disappointed if they don't, this should be all politics aside and get a good deal. She should not have been challenged for the leadership neither.

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