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? asked in Local BusinessesGermanyDusseldorf · 2 years ago

Can you use PayPal balance for Uber?

My PayPal is connected to my Uber account but when I checked the settings there wa no way to pay with the balance, only with credit cards on the PayPal account, o don’t have money on any credit cards, just the PayPal balance, is there a way to use that and how do I do it?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Nope you cannot

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    If you have a PayPal account you should have already applied for your PayPal debit card which is just like a bank card and allows you to use your PayPal card any place where Mastercard or VISA is accepted. PayPal also allows you to instantaneously transfer the money to your debit card if you have a bank account you can transfer the money from PayPal to your debit card instantly. Besides that you can't take the money from your Paypal account and transfer it to Uber.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You have to change your payment preference within your account in order for it to use your PayPal balance. But if you do that, it would apply to everything you spend not just for Uber until you change the preference. Link below gives instructions on how to change your payment preference.

  • 2 years ago

    i would ask uber this question

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