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Lv 7
? asked in HealthOther - Health · 7 months ago

what the biggest religious deep concern about the vaccines for covid 19?

 i dont believe in vaccines because of the various adjuvants put in them. lately ive been hearing commentary about nano tech, and once it put in the body it cannot be removed. and the connection to 5G can trigger response to invigorate the virus. also there is the old saying of mercury and then live cancer cells and the worst thing is the aids triggering system as well. if people get the vaccines they could die immediately after. so there is reference to dna targeting as well as time release growth of cancer.  not to forget to mention the fact that Ed Dames has associated  an aids vaccine that is directly connected to the Mark of the beast. Ed Dames is a remote viewer and he said this more than 16 years ago.

2 Answers

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    7 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Boll**x. Polio has been destroyed and mostly TB, mumps, measles and rubella has almost gone, we have a flu shot every year, so why is Covid different.

    You are a lone voice in the wilderness.

    Every country in world is working on a vaccine.

    The U.S is not the centre of the Universe.

  • Marc
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    Religion has nothing to do with it

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