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? asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 6 months ago

why is there no Dragon NaturallySpeaking trial version?

the built in windows one is useless and doesn't do what i tell it to and i don't want to pay for software i'm not sure i want to buy. so i look for a Dragon NaturallySpeaking trial so i can try before i buy and there is nothing.

why is there no trial?

3 Answers

  • Lv 7
    6 months ago

    too many people hacked it.

    you've already tried the built in one, so you know how it works.

    and honestly, Naturally Speaking is the best one out there. if it doesn't work for you, maybe there is a flaw in how you're doing things...

  • 6 months ago

    What do you mean it doesn't do what you tell it to do. Unless your computer is full of viruses and malware when you talk to the Microsoft voice to text it prints what you have to say in whatever application you happen to be pointing it at. If your Microsoft is not working don't expect your $700 dragon speak to be working either! You need to totally reinstall Windows 10 and let it do its updates and then plug in the microphone and train your Microsoft voice to text. If you can't get that to work don't even attempt to install dragon. Which is more complex.

  • 6 months ago

    Have you tried downloading it here?   The site certainly looks friendly for downloading.

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