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Lv 6
? asked in TravelCanadaToronto · 5 months ago

Do you or anyone you know put their rinsed beer cans in the blue box because the deposit isn't worth the rigmarole at The Beer Store?


To hihi! - yes if it was a dollar a can I would put up with the BS at the beer store but it's important to remember that the blue box IS recycling

Update 2:

To Needful Sinner:  You must not live in Ontario.  We have one of the best recyling programs for beer cans and beer bottles on Earth.  It used to be that you could bring a garbage bag of 70 beer cans (takes us about 6 months to drink that much) and they would trust you.  Now, you have to sort them outdoors, put them in plastic boxes and wait until you are admitted and then you can listen to a lecture about not rinsing them thoroughly.  Last time I left the bag outside the store.

Update 3:

To Needful Sinner:  Also, no child from a sports team or Girl Guides has ever knocked on my door to ask for them.  My wife was a Guides leader for 25 years and she never suggested we should save the cans.  

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    KGB, CIA, MI5/6, whatever intelligence service is to keep Jews in power and to kill those who rise up against Jews. Bishop Velimirovic said that Jews created capitalism, communism, freemasonry, strikes, internationalism, globalism, etc. to step on heads of Christians and to crush them; add Black Lives Matter to this. Only WASP neighborhoods were trashed in NYC; when BLM leader announced that they was going to trash Jewish stores, they was arrested immediately. Similarly, Jews sponsored American Civil Rights Movement in order to step on throats of Christians and to crush them eventually. All the revolutions are sponsored by Jews. 9/11 false flag was to attack Iraq; Statue of Liberty false flag is to attack Iran. Heresy leads to loss of love; (according to saint Pelageya of Ryazan) Jews will not receive the unforgivable mark of the beast, but will make sure that all non-Jews will. If you reject mark of the beast, then ur direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov). Hide within a 10-15 people group (saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov); no documents (documents r from satin; burn 'em all); no electronics (so that u won't be tracked; even old broken  unplugged 1970 tv set will show the antichristo using Tesla's ether). oh snap!!! here's the evil flying antichristo flying thru ma neck ov de woodz; hide ur kidz, hide ur wife, antichrist iz flyin' thru town; take ur glocks out and shoot dat son of a bytch down (he's an s-0-b 'cuz his mom is a 12th generation prostitute according to saint Lavrentiy of Chernigov); forgive me.

    Source(s): Ecumenism = all religions getting together to praise Satan as the Supreme Being = 263 heresies. Astana (aka Satana) in Kazakhstan is the capital of this ecumenism where they gather to worship Satan. They have a pyramid there for the building where they praise Satan asking him for world peace. If you read the Bible: ... when they say: "peace and security" then sudden destruction shall come upon them (Apostle)...forgive me.
  • 5 months ago

    I just throw them on my neighbor's lawn.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Some of us need the money.

  • 5 months ago

    I rinse mine and put them into a garbage bag for a woman who walks around collecting them in the neighbourhood. I stopped taking them back when covid started. 

  • 5 months ago

    No, but then I'm lucky to have a small nearby recycling place run by a really nice guy who, if I bring in one of the regulation-size plastic bags (he gives them to me each time I come in) full of all the same kind of containers, will estimate how many are in it so I don't have to put all the containers into the stupid little trays. I always tell him to estimate in his favour. If it weren't for him, I'd probably hand my refundables to someone else in the line-up who wants it. But you live in Toronto. Last time I lived in a big city, there was no problem getting rid of cans you could get money for. Leave them in an alley or at the front of your lawn and they won't be there long. I live in the country now. I have to take my own recyclables to a depot. There is no blue box pick-up, though they are trying to foist that and municipal garbage pickup on us, along with a large yearly fee for such services which I will barely use.

  • 5 months ago

    Maybe the return fee should be a DOLLAR a can. Then only those tossing them out would pay!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    I know I almost never do, but then again I tend to get beer at the LCBO or directly from a couple of the local craft breweries that I like (or I pop over to Quebec). If I waited until I actually wanted to go to the Beer Store, I'd have a trunk full of them to return.

    If somebody wants to pick through the recycling to make a few cents, have at it.

  • 5 months ago

    Where I am it is getting to that point. All of the recycling centers are closing, so you have to drive a long way to recycle and the lines get huge because there is only 1 place to recycle in a 30 miles radius serving about 200,000 people

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