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Tommy G. asked in TravelCanadaToronto · 1 month ago

How crowded is an international airport on Boxing Day?

Very crowded? More room? I guess after Christmas Day airlines cease plans for black dates until another busy yearly time. People have it easier to get to their cars or taxis because no one chooses to think about travelling until after New Year's Eve and most of the traffic is coming from shopping malls where people unsatisified with their goods return them for either a refund or a better gift. The only people that had to come to the airport on Boxing Day would be the good people who have Bob Cratchit personalities without even knowing it.


What I meant to write was blackout dates. Lousy CPU demanding piece of Acer-based junk.

5 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    I'm from Vancouver.... can speak for yvr though most of north america wouldn't be much different...

    The six busiest days are Dec. 21 and 22 eg when kids typically get out of school — Boxing Day, Dec. 28 and 29, and Jan. 1, when people are coming back for work and school, said Reg Krake, YVR director of customer care.

  • 1 month ago

    Pretty crowded.  The Christmas season is the busiest travel time of the year in Canada.

  • JuanB
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Very crowded.  Not everyone has the luxury to take a bunch of time off.  Some have to go back to work and will be travelling the day after Christmas.  Additionally many split families have kids go from one parent to the other immediately after Christmas.

    No one thinks ahead of time to go "I think I'll spend my Boxing Day returning gifts, so will postpone my flight. "  Besides, Canadian business trends are either to declare no returns Boxing Day.   And many more now close Boxing Day.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    i would ask the airport, they might know

  • 1 month ago

    We don't have Boxing Day in the US. The busiest day after Christmas depends on where the 25th falls in the week. If it's early in the week, people might travel back the next day. If it's later in the week, they might stay over the weekend and travel on Sunday or Monday. I don't understand the rest of your post. In the US, before COVID, just about every plane was packed, all year round. 

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