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What kind of group home allows punishment for taking a stand?
Taking a stand is fine. What's bad is having a fist fight for no reason.
First thing I was given a death threat by a guy living in the group home I lived in, then I took a stand or tried to. Next thing I know, I'm in my room and got an X on my behavior chart for unreasonably fighting. Bullying is also a thing that warrants an x and anti-bullying should be the opposite where it warrants a checkmark. We do not allow societies like this to exist where heroes are villiains and brave people as cowards. Heroes are welcome in Canada, brave people too. Hate crimes are illegal in my country. I am therefore abiding by the law that completed it's provisionary transactions by respecting the person's name. I am merely upholding that law and I get punished for it for being Canadian. Also glad this was a bygone day of the past and something I do not wish repeated. Now the past has come back. Them. They ruined my life. My attitude on anti-bullying is still good.
I will thank them to learn from the past so the kid who i next meet also a child with a disability never to have to go through the same things I went through. Consequences for not imposing anti-bullying policies is worse than severe. Agency visits? Inspection time? Maybe perhaps the interested thoughts of the state who does not agree with the principles of staff in an indie group home who would be more than pleased to shut them down with cause. I'm only worried about the present issues.
3 AnswersEtiquette1 month agoWhat to do if kids at your national day celebrations harrass you?
Run home? Have a calm discussion with someone you know about your harassment problem? Taking comfort in realizing that the parents of the unruly kids are at their loss without knowing?
It was July 1st, 2013. My memory's a little rustic because it's searching for lost memories that can eventually be found. I was at the baseball diamond in the lovely native town I live in around the woods of Northern Ontario minding my own business without knowing when a bunch of these kids kept perversing me by saying harrassing things like "Play tag. Play tag".
Those kids were stupidly hiding a bunch of words and by play tag i meant it felt like they said "We have come here for you to be harrassed by us and having our innoncence get adults into trouble for fun". I knew what was what and how much trouble i'd be in. I'd not blame the kids. I'd blame these embittered parents for running families like democracies. People repeatedly warn others their own age that parenting isn't a democracy and when it was, look what happened. It was their tracking dirt into my brain because of a disability bias.
Nobody should have to deal with that on Independence Day or any other national days that occur in any other country. Canada Day is like us a polite and sincere holiday. Letting kids loose to attack adults they don't know on Canada Day is not polite. Perversion is also a thing that is not polite either. It's bad mojo. People cannot be the same every year. I'm just glad that past is over.
Other - Holidays1 month agoWhy does signing a funeral card and saying the person's not really dead in remembrance wrrant that others are to re-write something nicer?
When I was in school, I had to find a way to write on a card that was going to be on display for somebody's funeral at the time. I was at school and at first I suggested a Star Trek line.
I forgot whom the person's gender was but the rest was "not really dead as long we remember (name of person's gender)" when this teacher Mrs. or Ms. Wright, wasn't happy with what I wrote and made me re-write. What a empty headed gesture on their part to stifle my creativity.Canada is a land of their own national sense of creativity. Anne of Green Gables would not have been conceived without the very concept and already I was stifled by Wrights and Woodlocks. First, I was told during art class on rememberance day that stick figures with guns were not allowed, next I was told that my comics about addressing an upset had to be made just right without any of my characters banging on the walls, next in high school back home, I was next told that my story had to be rewrit because the teacher didn't want references to crotch kicking and now this one, where my Star Trek style line helps me avoid this feeling that I had to write my sorries about death. My sorries and poems can rest in peace anytime.I'm outside school now, and there's not much to experience because I go to work for money. My creative ways of signing a funeral card won't be a problem now since I'm not a student in school. I wrote a statement to the question because of the experiences in my life that I can never ever forget.
Etiquette1 month agoHow is there adult animation in the Middle East?
And if they did make one that complied with religious contexts, what subject matter would the adult cartoons contain? Original? Or culturally driven? Name one adult animation in the Middle East from any Middle Eastern country that appeals to people as a fare.
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 month agoHow was there a home video in the 1950s?
If they were copies of popular movies, where did the consumer go to buy these movies? The cinematheque? The projectionist's office? The film projection manufacturing office? Did they order it by phone?
4 AnswersMovies1 month agoHow common are pencils for a production logo?
And if it's used, where are they usually from? Live action movies? Or animation?
1 AnswerMovies1 month agoIf you grow and care for an apple bonsai tree, do bonsai apples taste as juicy as apples from apple trees?
I kept looking at pictures of bonsai fruit trees on Google and am wondering just now whether fruit from bonsai trees taste just as good as regular sized apples. The difference is by size but they're both small depending on the apple type.
2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 month agoWhat's the origin of the phrase is there a Mrs. (First and last name of boyfriend)?
And if men asked the same about a woman and it's "is there a Mr. (First and last name of girlfriend)", how come there are no television episodes or movies about that?
1 AnswerMovies1 month agoWhy does a hotel need a basement if there were no hotel rooms there?
To function as a area where you go swimming? To go to the fitness room? To take your kid to the arcade? To hang about? To get cleaning goods there? What?
5 AnswersOther - Destinations1 month agoWhat is voice acting like in Mexico?
American voice acting is a seemingly overlooked profession where regular movie actors also get to incorpate animation voice acting as part of their acting jobs in mostly live action movies.
Brazilian voice acting requires dedication and even if there were other celebrities doing voice acting in animation, they only seem to like it when voice acting was done by people going to voice acting schools.
Japanese voice acting is complex. It belongs to a medium that belongs to everybody.
Might I add, in America, women can have male character roles. I don't know if it's allowed in other countries or it's banned in other countries because of gender sensitivity laws.
1 AnswerTheatre & Acting1 month agoWhat is behind the walls of a big chair where kids are invited to sit on Santa's lap?
Is it an empty room? Does the room also look empty like inside a gingerbread house at the North Pole? A place where mall Santa takes a break? Is it a change room? What?
3 AnswersChristmas1 month agoWhat would happen if a school opened on snow day?
Chaos? Indoor recesses? Watching a movie?
It depends.
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 month agoWhat does a person's boggart look like if they feared heights?
A person who's afriad of spiders or snakes has a snake and or spider boggart.
A person who's afraid of Snape has a Snape boggart.
A person who's afraid of heights has what?
Does the floor crumble? Does it turn into a cliff? Does the boggart turn into a sky?
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 month agoIn "A Star Is Burns", Homer goes to a movie called "Pukahontas" and laughs at "Man Getting Hit By Football". His criticism becomes this?
I'll bet he was learning the steps. They already asked him to go on a soul searching quest to enjoy movies right. Laughing is normal at the movies and anyone who laughs at physical comedy at a film festival is considered smart, not idiotic.
I would have been with Homer on this one. Laughter is medicine and physical comedy is king. The judges gave a thumbs down on Man Getting Hit By Football. What, was his criticism stupid? What do they think... that all fat people are bad critics of popular movies? Who says all critics have to be skinny? The critic from the critic was overweight so take that false stereotypes. What I think of fat stereotypes. It stinks. It stinks. It stinks.
Movies1 month agoWhy is Plan 9 called Plan 9?
What about the first eight plans? Or was it just started as a ship named Plan 9?
4 AnswersMovies1 month agoWhy does a destruction of property while upset incurs prison time?
And why telling people they are feeling upset is normal and welcome?
6 AnswersEtiquette1 month agoWhat kind of field trip is this where a special education class goes to a toy store and pretends they are adding them to their Xmas list?
Maybe it's a "school-trip-to-the-toy-store-pretend-you-are-wishing-for-any-gift-that-incurs-a-positive-light" field trip. Where's the education value in any of these toys? What do toys from toy manufacturers teach kids? Toys in my opinion are for a form of children's entertainment and unleashing a joy in the literal child.
1 AnswerToys1 month agoWhy does a drama class encourage your creativity in handwriting but the teacher's allowed to ban content that involves crotch kicking?
This was a high school.
I wasn't writing wrong stories.
I was being a high school teenager who wrote according to his age.
I am within my rights to write on a tenth grade level.
Students acknowledge creativity's not a front to consolidate authority culture.
Students find it more expressive to write as they feel.
They're going to be grown ups in a few years because of their age of majority. Imagine college drama classes where censorship can still happen.
Maybe the teacher doesn't want to think that one of her students are incurring violence in the auditorium. What do you think?
Primary & Secondary Education1 month agoWhy is it wrong to point angry fingers or name names because one is allowed to feel upset?
Same basic principle one cannot keep it in.
1 AnswerEtiquette1 month agoWhat happens if you were made to carry a big box on your lap aboard an aircraft and having people shove unfitting bags into the overhead?
I suppose that when I came home that day, I would be shocked while my neighbour is dogging towards the spill, salvaging it. What if it was Jim Carrey's face in that bottle? Whom do I call out? The airline or the irresponsible and emphatic college roommate who reminds me of Kathy Griffin's name.
Polls & Surveys1 month ago