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Why are we exploring Mars before we finish exploring the moon?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Why are we exploring the Moon when we haven't finished exploring the Ocean Depths?

    Why are we exploring the Ocean Depths when we haven't finished exploring all the world's caves?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    We haven't finished exploring the earth yet.  And that is theoretically easier than both of these other bodies.  People are a lot more interested in some new bead or trinket than they are at a comprehensive study of anything already known about.

  • 2 months ago

    Because it's more likely that exploring Mars will help to answer "The BIG Question": Is there life on on other planets?

    We already know that there is no chance that life exists or has ever existed on the Moon, due to its extreme conditions. (lack of atmosphere, lack of free water, etc). However, it's known that Mars had free flowing surface water at one time, and thus a much higher probability that life could have been present there (or may still be there!). 

    Discovering definitive evidence for the presence of life on another planet besides our own, even if it was in the distant past, would have dramatic scientific consequences, including the implication that finding it so close to our own planet probably means that extraterrestrial life is actually quite common. 

    This search for life on Mars is why scientists have chosen what appear to be dry lake beds as the best locations for the rovers to begin their mission. Locations that are associated with water.

    And, if they happen to stumble upon a discarded alien gum wrapper or crashed spacecraft, so much the better!

  • 2 months ago

    Frankly, there's not much more to be learned from the moon... While I'm sure there's still surprises that await us, I doubt they're going to be worth the $billions it'll take to return. 

    For the moon, the best thing would be to exploit it's presence. It's the perfect testbed for a manned base; the far side would  be ideal for a radio telescope - away from the noise of Earth's electronics... 

    I have no problem turning to Mars right now - I think the engineering and systems that are needed for the program will benefit Man in the long run (much like those from the Apollo program did), and teach us more about ourselves in the solar system... And, I firmly believe Mars will have much more in the way of discovery than the Moon holds. 

  • Herve
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    What parts of the moon would you like explored?

  • 2 months ago

    A better question is why are we still exploring either when there are far more interesting places in the solar system to explore.

    Moon = lifeless, dry, desolate plains of cold, irradiated dust and rocks.

    Mars = lifeless, dry, desolate plains of cold, irradiated dust and rocks.

    Isn't about time we hurried up finishing exploring either, and then moved on.

  • 2 months ago

    Scenery is prettier on Mars.

  • Nyx
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Both are being done concurrently.

  • 2 months ago

    Because it isn't either/or.

  • 2 months ago

    it is matter of choice 

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