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Why are people so hostile towards people on disability income?

I receive disability income because I have a disability, I did not choose to have a disability and I cannot work a regular job like everyone else. Unfortunately when I mention that I receive disability I get a select few people that act like they’re disgusted by it, like they feel like I don’t deserve the income I get.. I had asked a question earlier about not being able to afford to tip restaurant servers and I had someone telling me that it was important for me to tip the servers and if I don’t have the money to tip I shouldn’t eat there because servers make minimum wage.. I actually get less than a minimum wage income, I get less than the poverty line and it just covers my rent. People act like I’m on welfare or that I’m lazy..

I feel embarrassed to be on disability.. it wasn’t so bad before covid but the price of food has risen so high that the amount I get is barely enough to live on. Ontario disability support 


The average minimum wage income here is  $2,848, me on odsp as a single person with no dependants renting a one room gets $819 per month 

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    'Cos a lot of society misunderstand and view us as "bloody scroungers". 

  • 3 weeks ago

    Servers do not make minimum wage.  There is an exception to that law that lets restaurants pay less. 

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    I don't know of anyone who is hostile to those who receive any kind of disability benefit. I don't even need to know that they DO or DON'T receive it because it is nothing to do with me at all.

    Why do you discuss your finances and health with those who do not need to know such things? Once you discuss such things it won't be long before very many people will know those same facts and you might not have wished some of those facts to become common knowledge.  Be more careful in future what you discuss with others. Tell on a 'need to know' basis and keep other things private.

    As for tipping, that should be your choice. If you disagree with tipping don't tip at all. If you agree with tipping give just as much or as little as you wish to give.  If anyone turns up their nose at a small tip say to them "If you'd rather not have it just return it to me".  I would like to see tipping become illegal and everyone receive a fair days pay for a fair days work.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Unfortunately there are way too many people that are on that and welfare that don't need to be! They can work jobs like others do! I have aches and pains but I still work my 40 plus hours anyways! Sure there are people that are not able to work but there are too many abusing the system that can! There are lots of people that are abusing the system that are working under the table! They should be working a REAL job where they have to pay into the system! 

  • Liz
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    Well, I wouldn't stress out over it. One day soon there won't be any need for anyone to live off government benefits. The solution? God’s Kingdom, for which Jesus taught his followers to pray: “Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matthew 6:9, 10)

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 weeks ago

    People are weird. Some people are jealous of us because THEY are lazy and don’t want to work and in their eyes we are living the dream. They are disgusting.

    I want to work but am too sick.

  • 4 weeks ago

    I'm on disability too and can't work a job. I think some people are jealous that we don't work and some people think we are lazy and just making excuses to not work. It's hard because people like to know how we make a living and it is a common question like what type of work do you do, but I would suggest you to try not to tell people you are on disability. People like to judge. Also, I wouldn't go out to eat if you can't afford to tip. It's disgusting how everyone wants a tip nowadays, but you do what you have to do. Anyway, that's my take, I hope you get better. Good luck. 

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    In the US< because of all the frauds.  there is a probability that 40-60% (more with kids) are frauds who can in fact work gainfully.  this is as per studies and anonymous interviews with people on SS....people who openly admitted they were frauds when it was anonymous.

    I know MANY frauds.  One who was fired and openly bragged he could only get a minimum wage job now so he gets more on SSDI.  He has a physical disability, but can walk around a block and up stairs with difficulty.  He plays competitive adaptive sports.  The blind kid recovered and became a security guard.  The intellectually disabled kid had no problem getting a college degree and working as a business manager.....there was one that actually only couldn't do her current job, but could do others, so technically wasn't eligible.....but during the 1st year she collected, she actually did develop a severe disability that prevented her from working gainfully....the mother who recovered from an incurable illness as soon as her kids were too old for dependent benefits...and others.

    Most people on benefits seem to lead very active lives.  I can barely get out of the house.  I struggle to get out about an hour per day for necessities....some days i can't do that.  And then I sit outside for a couple hours when the weather is nice...and that is all I can manage in a day....but so many others are out and about for hours every day....having no social or physical problems functioning...yet they are collecting benefits.  I don't know of anyone else on benefits that is nearly as limited as me except for those with developmental/intellectual disabilities who need support to be out and about.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Because most people that collect disability can work, just not their preferred line of work. My sister's husband is a fine example of this. He has a nice, well paying IT job with the state that has top shelf benefits, yet still collects a disability check from uncle sam(which he uses like a bonus check) because he tweaked his back in Afghanistan nearly ten years ago.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    People that think that think that you're malingering. If you're as poor as you say, so poor that your income just covers your rent and too poor to tip, then you're also too poor to go out to eat. Tipping appropriately is part of the expense of going out to eat. If you can't afford to tip appropriately, then you can't afford to go out to eat. Period. 

    Source(s): By the way, minimum wage law doesn't apply to tipped employees, so restaurants don't have to pay servers minimum wage and don't pay servers minimum wage but far less. That said, what a server makes is beside the point. When service is adequate, you are to tip between 15% and 18%. It is an honor system. Nobody's forcing you to. But it's immoral not to. You're literally stealing from the server when you don't. If that's just too pricy for you, then going out to eat is too pricy for you, which based on what you've said, it is anyway. The only difference between you deciding not to tip your server and walking out after your meal and you deciding to pay Walmart $50 instead of the $65 you owe and then walking out with all your groceries is you'll at least get arrested for stealing from Walmart because Walmart's got a better political lobby than restaurant servers do.
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