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how did you guys stop procrastinating?

I tried those tips from youtube videos but it doesn't really work for me. any tips?  

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    Still working on it myself. I should be writing code instead of surfing Yahoo! Answers, and there's a game that keeps calling me back to open it on the  phone.

    Which does remind me: have the thing that is your mission bring you back to do more of it and reward you for doing so. You'll have to figure out how to make that happen, it's more effective if you feel like it's your idea.

    Silence the things that are not your mission, i.e. out of sight, out of mind. If a game is pestering you to play it, turn off notifications and if that's not working, delete it entirely.

    I had one mild addiction that I was able to break the spell of by repeatedly declaring there was no such thing as [the trigger that led to it].

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    I never stopped.

  • 3 weeks ago

    I'll tell you tomorrow, or the day after, sometime I'll get around to answering.

  • Barry
    Lv 4
    3 weeks ago

    I used to procrastinate. But now I do it tomorrow.

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