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michinoku2001 asked in SportsGolf · 3 weeks ago

Does the PGA need a response to the Georgia voting laws just like MLB?

5 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    Why?  The PGA Tour (nor the PGA of America) have absolutely no role in the Masters Tournament being played next month.  That tournament is entirely conducted by Augusta National GC.  The problem with Yanks is that they don't know who they should be angry with and surely can't be bothered to find out.

    Are you going to protest all the amateur women who will play at Augusta National tomorrow in the final round of the Augusta National Women's Amateur?  Maybe you can get angry at all the kids who will participate in the Drive, Chip and Putt event on Sunday.  The PGA Tour holds one event in Georgia (the Tour Championship; it's over Labour Day weekend); the tournament is in Atlanta.Again, the PGA Tour has zero involvement with the Masters Tournament nor does the PGA of America (made up of teaching professionals; they also put on the PGA Championship- it's the group that moved next year's event from Trump National in New Jersey to Southern Hills in Oklahoma).  The members at Augusta National Golf Club run it.  It's not moving.  Sponsors?  Back in the early 2000's Martha Burk decided to protest that there were no women members (there are several now) and went after their sponsors.  The tournament went commercial free for a couple years.  

  • 2 weeks ago

    Oh sure, and as you silence everyone with your mob mentality, progressives, we will silently sit back and watch you turn on each other. It's already happening, you are too stupid to realize that "1984" wasn't meant to be a guide, it was a warning.

  • james
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    Yes and they came strongly out against georgia Jim Crow laws .

    Now will that weasel trump call to boycott the PGA ??? how bout it trumpturds will you watch now that indirectly they called you all racists ?

  • 3 weeks ago

    That's up to each organizqation to decide for themselves, but I think they should.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    ROTFLMFAO. You want to see war? Move the Masters from Augusta National.

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