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Anonymous asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 3 weeks ago

Did Israel stop making computer virus .... because ... the Flu Virus are more profitable .... with productions of the covid virus vaccine?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    We are still making viri to infect you anti-semetics

  • 2 weeks ago

    israel is a virus state .

  • 2 weeks ago

    No, we don't like whites! So we makes virus infecters, hahah!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago


    Another closet anti-Semitic question directed against Israel, typically-characterized by being asserted with:

    No detail, no objective-sources; zero evidence.

    Looking forward to my award of favorite answer, before the website becomes read-only, and then shortly after, disappears ..


  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Computer viruses are always created, as anti-virus programs are constantly updated and improved to block them. Israel is more in the cyber-security business than virus production, but it wouldn't surprise me if an Israeli is producing a virus. Computer programmers worldwide produce them, after all. Profitability for virus production isn't really seen at the corporate or national level, but rather the individual (or perhaps small group), so if you want to blame someone then you'd have to blame someone specific. Blaming Israel comes off as conspiratorial. 

    The novel virus SARS-CoVID-19 (more commonly known as "coronavirus", despite that being a name for a family of viruses) is shown to have arisen in China. There is no evidence of any Israeli involvement in its development, whether that be natural or artificial. When it comes to Israel and COVID, they only make the headlines for being the first to immune a large percentage of their population in an expedient rate. They're being praised for protecting their population quickly, and this is only done because they're willing to spend MORE per vaccine. The profits are in their population's health, not monetary from the vaccine...which isn't being produced by an Israeli company.  I suppose you can say that Israel gets better ROI since their populace is rather profitable and they'll make the money back by living and working... but that's just a sad route just to take in order to demonize Israel.

    Not everything bad is Israeli, but many people love to blame a convenient scapegoat. More millennia that was the Jews, and people have ignorantly and hatefully displaced the same blame to Israel. I hope you realize that the worlds' problems would overwhelmingly remain should Israel (or the Jews, if that's in the subtext) disappear.

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