Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

Lv 7
? asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 6 days ago

Goodbye Israel Section!?

As I'm sure y'all are all aware, Yahoo! claims to go "read-only" on 4/20/21 EST. That's only 2.5 hours from the time of this post. This actually may be the last post here on the Yahoo! Answers Israel section, and I thought I'd take some time to say goodbye.

I started here in 2009, as a bored student who just wanted to answer some question one day. I don't remember the exact nature of the question, but all I do remember is that it was here in the Israel section. Since then, I've answered thousands of questions over two accounts and earned "top contributor" status in many categories, losing my first one but maintaining this current one for nine years. I've had fun, but unfortunately Y!A has just slowed down and become way too buggy and trolly, so I can't say that this news was all that surprising. 

I'm not sure how many of you will see this, since there is little time. I'm also not sure if any of y'all will be the people I've interacted with over the years, since as this site has declined we've seen many of the consistent contributors disappear. I appreciate most of you (including some of the very pro-Palestinian ones) and I wish everyone the best.


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