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Anonymous asked in HealthWomen's Health · 2 weeks ago

Should I ask for a different nurse or should I change my provider because I know the nurse?

Me and this nurse used to work together years ago and we have mutual people that we know. I see a doctor in that office and I have notice each time I go there she is my nurse even if my provider changed, she still my nurse. She is a nice person but I just don't feel comfortable talking about my personal stuff with her because I know her.

Can I ask for a different nurse? but if she found out I asked for a different nurse she would feel strange about it. Should I just go to a different office for my regular check up? Regular check ups they asked a lot of personal question and some questions they don't even need to be asking. I just need my regular health checked that's it

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Has she seen you naked? If not then it’s not a big deal. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    If there's more than one nurse at the office you can ask to see another nurse citing that you know each other socially.  I would have thought that she would recuse herself anyways citing the same reason.  I've done the same with a GP at a new practice.  I went into the appointment room and found an old university drinking buddy.  We both laughed, he said to wait a few minutes while he went to see if another GP was free to see me, we promised to catch up some time and I got a new doctor.  No drama and nobody felt bad.  This is normal, unless you live in a very small town where everybody really does know everybody's business.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    If she is a professional, she will understand perfectly well why you are asking for a different nurse.  And yes, you should do so.

    If no other nurse is available, you might want to find another doctor.

  • D_21
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    Just go to a different office.

  • 2 weeks ago

    If you're that sensitive about it, change doctors. Even if you speak with another nurse, she still has access to your medical records and would know everything anyway.

  • 2 weeks ago

    it’s a time in which you need to be totally open and straightforward with your doctor/nurse and if it’s inhibiting you from doing so then yes i think it’d be wise to ask for a different nurse. it’s about your comfort and if you’re not comfortable with it then you shouldn’t have to go through it. 

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