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What are the most popularly believed fallacies ?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    China is a great country even they eat bats.

  • 1 week ago

    That socialism / communism will work.

  • 1 week ago

    that the popular consensus makes it true.  if everybody believes it, it's "true."

    for instance, everybody believed in zeus, the lightning bolt guy.  everybody believed the earth was the center.  everybody believed heavier objects fall faster, which is rather intuitive because heavier objects pull on your hand harder-faster.  that it was not until galiea galileo that said objects can move on forever if no force acts upon it.  anybody would call you nuts for saying it.  you can take off your helmet in space.  it's not the lack of oxygen that kills you.  it's your head exploding outwards.  you may have to look that up to believe me.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    That God punishes dead people in hell. (The dead cannot feel anything) LOL

    The soul lives on forever. (The soul that is sinning will die, says the Bible)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    One of the most popularly believed fallacies here is the one where commentators

    here not believing in a Philosophy (area) where new philosophical knowledge is

    obtained. Leading the way still is the religious and supposedly pious j153e

    closely followed by other subjective believing commentators.

    They have steadfastly and stupidly argued that philosophy follows some sort

    OF THEIR critical method which it obviously doesn't because all their conclusions

    reveal that no NEW PHILOSOPHY Knowledge is apparent.

    Apparent for them of course.

    This all now has been known and their illogical commentating has been shown

     I think to be a relic of their "pigeon philosophy" if you like. 

    Even their "best answers" too have been chosen by unsuspecting and questioners

     for years here. 

     God help those who still have faith in philosophy and the many fruitful answers

    to be discovered.. but at least this can be said,

    and that is as these believer's in a true knowledge finding area of philosophy move

    on say to Quora and/ or to Reddit they may hopefully find the answers that they

    deserve ; that is true critical and objectively rational answers unlike the wordy

    story-telling and historicist mischief makers that have blighted this good site all


    I will say bloody Good Riddance to them & their ridiculous philosophy myths,

    yet believer's in developing philosophy will have-to-be-on-their toes so to speak

    to first SPOT these corrupt people and second to IDENTIFY just when and where 

    their third rate nonsense is regurgitated and repeated.

    I wish the believer's in new and existing Philosophy knowledge all the best,

    they may well need it elsewhere on other sites !  

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    10 Logical Fallacies Are:

    1.) The Ad Hominem

    2.) The Appeal to Authority

    3.) The Straw Man

    4.) The Appeal to Ignorance

    5.) The False Dilemma

    6.) The Slippery Slope aka The Domino Theory

    7.) The Circular Argument (Petitio Principii or Begging the Question)

    8.) The Alphabet Soup

    9.) The Bandwagon

    10.) The Red Herring

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    That we have a soul which lives forever.

  • j153e
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Fallacies that appeal to emo:  critical racism dogma; aligned with that, appeal to ad hominem (attacking the person) and its complements, appeals to suffering and misery.

    A more mentative fallacy:  truth/falsity claims based on lack of falsification/positive evidence (appeal to ignorance); as noted, popular astrology; racism; etc.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Astrology worldwide. For hardcore believers, not only do they want it to be true, it must true.

  • 2 weeks ago

    That Trump won the US election. It is ridiculous, but a lot of americans still believe it. 

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