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i'm confused.  i don't know what's going on.  what's life about?

if you live life.  what's the point of life.  the people you impress may be part of your virtual reality world.  if you are in a real world.  then there are big problems in the real world.  if this world is an illusion.  a fake reality.  then what purpose do you have to fulfill any destiny.  and if this world is real - why are we so self centered that we think we should get everything our way.  when eventually it'll terminate.  you can be rich like amazon founder and you'll die.  you can be the average joe and resent people for many varieties of reason.  who's to say any of this matters.  we all want to be happy.  but it seem for me - my sadness is that people don't like me.  i can't make my self more likable and fun.  i'm just tired and on meds.

6 Answers

  • Be free in your heart of unrequited desires, be liberated from attachment, need, necessity. Be the best good person average joe you are able. That is all. Do no harm have no hate or malice in your heart towards others. Permit nit others to affect you adversely. Be happy, contented with what you have or have that which gives you fulfilment peace liberty. But be at peace mostly with yourself Average Joe. x

  • 1 week ago

    Your meds are your madness. They are the cause of your confusion.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Simple, they don't go to church anymore and they complain all the time even they are already in heaven. Now taste what is hell all about.

  • KennyB
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    What makes you think that there is a reason.  The universe does not care what the reason might be.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 week ago
  • 1 week ago

    It is unwise to rely, for your happiness, upon being liked. The more you try and the more you chase their approval, the more you will lose your way, the farther you will stray from your true self, and the weirder, and more off, you will act, and seem, to the ones you aim to impress. Wisdom lies in nurturing and expressing that which you find beautiful: not in projecting a disguise that you think others will find beautiful. When you let go of your pretenses and your need for approval: when you expose and grow your authentic self, then, when you aren't trying so hard, you will have the best chance of enjoying what you have, and getting what you want. 

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