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Does John 14:12 disprove the trinity.?
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
21 Answers
- T CLv 71 week agoFavourite answer
It certainly is one of the multiple scripture throughout the Bible that declares that Jesus was the son of God…. and not God.
To say that we can do greater works than God the Father borders on blasphemy, and a bit of stupidity. We have been given power from on high, incorruptible seed, holy spirit (the gift). And with that gift we have the ability to operate the nine Manifestation of the spirit. (I Cor 12:7-10)
There are two things which Christ could not do when He was here… because it was not available until after Pentecost………… Speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues.
Whether it was capacity or abilities …those are the greater works we can do.
- ?Lv 66 days ago
Not by a long shot.
TC, If you do not understand the relations among the Three Members, then you cannot make any reference to it much less belittles it. But since you pretend to understand the truth without the indwelling Spirit of Truth. Then it shouldn't be a problem to explain [Acts 20:28 NASB] to us, right TC?
“Greater works than these he will do” Jesus did not mean greater in the sense of more sensational, but greater in magnitude. He was one person in human form, yet we are many in various places. Surely it is not too difficult to understand, is it?
Jesus did not need to speak in tongues or prophesy (He is not a follower, He is God) ---those Gifts (all of them) are for the edification of the Church which was only established at Pentecost after His resurrection. Therefore, we, as members must make ourselves available for the manifestation thereof---inside as well as outside the Church---as the Holy Spirit leads.
The “prayer language” (praying in tongues) is for self-edification and a must for the believer [Jude 1:20]. But we are also urged to pray with the understanding in the presence of others so they may know what we pray for.
- Anonymous7 days ago
No, it doesn't but people who aren't very intelligent think it does.
- ?Lv 71 week ago
What does this have to do with the Trinity? The second Person of the Trinity says that He has accomplished His ministry on Earth, and is returning to the first Person of the Trinity, Who sent Him to Earth for that purpose.
- Anonymous1 week ago
"God" is the title of The Life Force that created the galaxies.
"God" has chosen to exist AS three persons.
If you actually knew the real Jesus... you'd know this already and wouldn't be asking.
Apparently you've created a Jesus of your own making. One who is not on par with His Father. You have degraded Him and devalued Him.
Ask for revelation... you must humble yourself first... or you put yourself as judge over Him. How will you escape being condemned to hell?
- 1 week ago
Then he sends the Holy Spirit to us to live in use as we accept Jesus in the heart! Three in one we have just accepted Jesus, God and Holy Spirit and baptized in the Father Son and Holy Spirit
- GodsproblemchildLv 71 week ago
Read it in context it proves they are one.
Jesus replied, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking me to show him to you?John 14:9 -
- BJLv 71 week ago
Yes, it does, and along with your scripture, how about this.
Mark 1:9-1 records the first of three occasions when Jehovah spoke from heaven.
Jehovah said: “You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.” How it must have touched Jesus’ heart to hear his Father’s voice expressing love and reassurance to him! Jehovah’s words confirmed three important facts about Jesus.
First, Jesus is his Son. Second, Jehovah loves his Son. And third, Jehovah has approved his Son. By saying “You are my Son.
- Anonymous1 week ago
"...and the Word was God" Jesus said to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit - all three in one - you can't have one without the others.