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What’s the rail called that lets the seats in a car go backwards and forwards, for leg room?

I’m obese, and majority of my weight is in my abdomen and it’s getting where I can barely fit behind the wheel. I’m gonna start booking appointments to see about getting this weight off me and that’ll require long drives. What do I need to make the driver seat go even further back? I need maybe 4 or 5 more inches maybe more. 

5 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    You need a driver until you reduce enough to fit behind the wheel safely.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    In the US, we call them the seat "tracks".  In the good old days - the factories provided for multiple locations of the tracks:  the car dealer could move the tracks backward or forward for taller or shorter drivers.  But I'd guess that it's another good idea that has been legislated out of existence by "experts" who have never owned a car in their lives.

  • 6 days ago

    Sounds like you should be walking instead of driving! There's no safe way to move the seat tracks back farther. 

  • 7 days ago

    They're called seat rails. However, if you do manage to move the seat further back will you be able to reach the wheel and pedals?

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    The seats' "play" are not adjustable.  Buy a Chevy Tahoe or a Suburban.

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