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will I pregnant? ?

I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. he is 12 years older than me. this has happened unexpectedly. menses has stopped 8 days back. On the 9th day, it happened. I was a virgin. the first day he did for 3 times the second day 2 times and the third day 2 times. we returned home on the third day. One of my friends advised me to get some pills. but I think I am too late. Need your advice, please.

Updated 6 days ago:

My age is 21 years old

2 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    wow that is a horney storey. first off, how big was the penor? that efects the distance a sperm climb to its goal (located in the anus lining) called a egg sack. and was his cums big or small? bigger tend to be the more older and mature ones. they know what to do. the small sperms (and sometimes they can be invisible to a naked eye) can usually barley crawl. those are better to just swallow. they cant escape the stomach till you shlt.

    an other thing is whats your adress? ive got a jaf of well trained and mature sperms that want out BAD. i grantee they climb fast and hard (like my cock) and pills dont kill them. maybe hamer or fire can but thats dangerose as you can imagine.

    **** im horney now

    Source(s): pornos and docter school
  • 6 days ago

    According to Planned Parenthood, the morning after pill can be effective up to five days after having sex.  The sooner you take it, the more effective it is.

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