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I scared of a gastro procedure due to anesthesia loss of memory, pain and dying. It’s for acid reflux help?

5 Answers

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    I had it done, still here.

  • Andy C
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    That's likely laproscopic,  so very minimally invasive. 

    Anesthesia has been a practiced art for millenia and the likelihood of dying is incredibly small if you are young and relatively in good health. 

    Don't confuse POSSIBLE side-effects with probable side-effects.   People get anesthetized all the time and nothing happens other than sleep.  Those occurrences you read about are very, very rare.

    Your chances of being killed by a bus are way higher, but you still commute.   

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    Chill, complications are rare, very rare, but it is the best way for them to see what the issue is. Catch and or see cancer if that is it. The more they know, the better they can treat. Like with myself, they found the holes, the damage, oh, that's the issue, ok then, this is what you do.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Your doctor should have discussed with you exactly what the procedure involves, how many times he's done it, and what the risks are, including how frequently negative outcomes happen.

    If s/he did not, I can only presume the risks of such things are so low as to approach zero. They would not do the procedure, whatever it is, if they didn't think the benefits greatly outweighed the risks.

    Anyone who's had surgery or various other procedures can tell you that there may be a day of fogginess from your anesthesia, but you come back just fine mentally. The anesthesia completely eliminates pain, which is manageable with other medications after you're yourself again, and most medical procedures will not be done if there's much risk of the patient dying during the procedure.

  • 6 days ago

    Have them explain it tp you in details as well as their statistics. I bet the risks of all those you state are pretty near zero.

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