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Is there a safe way to buy a car from a private seller in another state without traveling?


Recently my little brother found the car of his dreams.

He has the money to buy it, as well as pay for shipping fee.

He lives in Virginia, and the car and seller are in New York.

He was wondering is there any legal and safe way to buy the car and have the title transfered/mailed without actually having to travel about Nine hours away?..

All advice and sugestions are appreciated.

Thank you!

5 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    No there is NO safe way.

    Even if the seller is a dealer,  once he has paid he cant change his mind upon it arriving and discovering something is not as he had expected.  

    If he does buy like this, he is at great risk of being dissapointed.

    The only realistic way to move forward is to fly to NY and examine it.  Clearly if he has to ask you about this and you did not know what is wise,  maybe he needs to take someone with him who is competent in these matters.

  • 6 days ago

    Hire an attorney where the vehicle is located.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    If you cannot test drive a used car and do not see the title in your hands, you do not buy it.  The "car of your dreams" can become a nightmare very quickly.  And you could be waiting for the title forever.  Always remember that the only person you can trust in this world is your dog.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    If you had a friend or acquaintance who could go look the car over, may have in pre-sale inspected,verify the title holder is the name on the title etc. then it could be done, otherwise stay away -  there may not even be a car. Especially if the price is too good to be true. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    Not in my opinion. You need to physically inspect both the title and the vehicle.

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