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Im 14 (nearly 15) and I want to see a 15 rated film with my mates.....?
Hey im 14, nearly 15 (in January) and I want to go see the Inbetweeners Movie with my mates. One of them is 15 in October, whereas the other is July. So its basically two 14 year olds and 1 15 year old going....
The 15 year old one pretty much looks 15 in my opinion, he is tall (about 5'5) and has facial hair. I on the other hand am about 5'4 and i have some facial hair, like 10 hairs on my chin and a mustache growing. The other 14 year old is pretty about 5'3 1/2 and has some facial hair too... My friends say I look 12, but once a Mcdonalds lady thought i was 16, cause i was gonna use a voucher for 16+, but thats 1 person
what i want to know is, will we be able to get in to see the film? Im going to 'Vue' in romford.... I went to see Fast five, harry potter DH P1, Pirates of the carribean and Harry potter DH P2 before in the same cinema. but they were all 12A's
6 AnswersMovies10 years agoWhich one of these 3DS cases should I get?
Ok im kinda stuck on which of these Aluminum 3DS cases to get. I really want red and ive found two that I like. what i want to know is
'which one of them looks better on the Aqua blue 3ds?'
1st one :
2nd one:
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agoBy doing this routine, will i lose 2 lbs per week?
Ok im 14 and its the summer! i have a goal to lose a stone by the period(6 weeks) and gain muscle. so i want to be burning body fat and gaining muscle, apparently this is different to just losing weight.
So my bmr is about 1730, and i want to ideally consume 1200-1300 calories a day. so if my calculations are correct, that minus my bmr= 500 a week so 1lb is lost. I then want to lose 500 calories by exercising in the park with my friend.
we will be walking to there(30mins) and then jog around the park for about an hour.
i also want to use my changeable weight(not weights i only have 1 :S) it goes from 1kg-2.5kg and do stuff with them other than just lifting them. I also want to do TABLE push ups as i cant do the proper ones, so i think if i can do table i will be able to do the proper ones later.
altogether will this work and help me lose 2lbs per week and a stone in the 6 weeks( i know it would add up to 12, but i can get rid of the other 2lbs later) and gain muscle?
i want to by the end:
-get rid of my man boobs
-get rid of my body fat
-gain muscle on my arms, thighs, legs and chest.
also what kind of diet should i go on cause I am asian and my mom just makes rice with chicken curry most of the time....
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years agoBy doing this, will I lose 1-2lbs a week?
Ok my BMR is 1730.32, so does this mean i will lose 1730 calories perday by doing absolutely nothing? because i have a diet plan to eat 1200-1300 calories a day,and then exercisin.
I want to know if thats true, cause i want to exericse more, im going to start jogging in my garden for 10mins, play cricket in my garden for 30mins and walk a mile back from school. All of these roughly add up to 500+calories burnt. I am 14 FYI
So would it be 1200(calories intake)-1730(bmr)= -530(1lbs lost) - 500 = -1000(2lbs)
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoim 14 and i want to convert my flab to muscle?
ok so heres the problem: Get a skinny person, now put a dough on top of it, thats how my belly looks.
I want to convert this into Muscle and what i want to know is
- What exercise i need to do and how much of it
- What type of diet i need to do this
i have 2.5kg weights(which i CAN lift), walk a mile and from school to home and i can play cricket in my back garden(i just throw the ball on the wall and practise batting and sometimes my bowling)
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoIm 14 and i want to lose weight?
Hi, im 14 and i really just want to lose my excess weight off. Last time i checked, i was 11stone and about 7lbs. I am 5'3 but weirdly im taller than people who are 5'4 or 5'5.
I want to lose 3 stone as this is meant to be a healthy weight according to a bmi test i took a few mins ago. I really just want to get rid of it, BUT gain some kind of muscle at the same time cause i think i can convert the flab into a 2pack is that exists =S. I dont want a 6 pack(yet).
I play cricket in my garden for 30-45mins a day, and play 2-3 times a week in my garden doing this. I also walk home from school which is roughly 1-1.5miles (it takes 50mins-1h). I also have weights that are 1kg and if i add the 1.5kg its 2.5kg. but i can't exercise all the time as i need to study
I usually eat: Chicken curry and rice, instant noodles on friday and mutton curry and rice(yes im asian). I am going to trash the choclates, fizzy drinks and crisps i eat and swap them for veges and fruits cause theyre are loads lying around. i skip breakfast, and i know how bad it can be, but i just dont find the time to eat breakfast. usually i have corn flakes with whole milk, on some days 1 slice of toast( 2 triangles)
So what should i do? whats a good exercise plan and diet plan?
43 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoYoung Actor Audition Help?
Hi, my school is entering a competition so a student from the UK can star on some BBC television program on Romeo and Juliet(i think)
So i am auditioning for my school, im good at drama, get high in my class (6b-6a and im in yr9) . But i've always had a dream to be a famous hollywood movie star!
So i really want to nail this audition and take the One and only spot for my school because the person who does gets professional training for free.
So what should i do for this? im not sure what i have to audition with but i know it has to be a Shakespeare passage, most definitely Romeo and Juliet.
PLEASE HELP! I need loads of techniques
2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade agoPS3 Exchange program still available?
Hi my ps3 40gb broke last year because the bluray died and i heard that if you give it to sony they will let you buy the 120gb slim for £140 or 50. however people say 'Launch PS3' does my 40gb count?
I want to know if its available, if its available in the UK and if my 40gb counts
1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade agoModern warfare prequel or Modern warfare sequel?
With Modern Warfare 3 being announced in next months Playstation magazine, i just wondered what people would want in the mw3 storyline.
Some people think it will be a prequel with Simon 'Ghost' Riley as the main character; whereas others think it will be a sequel after the events of MW2.
Craig Fairbrass, the guy who voiced ghost, said he has been to Activision studios for something. Last yeah, billy murray, who voices Cpt.Price said something similar So if it was a sequel, then wouldnt the other voice artists talk about it as well?
What would you guys want? A sequel or prequel?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWill my adult canine move quickly? and crooked teeth?
A few days ago, i got a baby canine removed cause an adult canine formed fully(it was the same size as my other adult canine, so i assume its fully grown as the other has been there for a year), so it could move in. How long will this take? cause my dentist said once its moved i will/may get braces.
the other thing is, i have a crooked tooth on my lower set of teeth. it is directly below MY right canine. it is like pointing North-West if it helps. will this go straight? also some of my teeth are a little(1mm maybe) behind my others. is this bad?
2 AnswersDental1 decade agoSony NGP Vs. Nintendo 3DS. Which is better?
After the announcement of the 3DS, people were pretty exicted, including myself, with just a couple of weeks for Japan and a month for the rest of the world, the 3DS is certain to revolutionize handheld gaming as well as gaming itself.
Now, just a week or two ago, Sony released their NGP (Next Gen Portable or PSP2), which is a step up from the original PSP, it has two analog sticks! to be honest its a PS3 controller, with a Ipod Touch and some motion sensors. theres alot of stuff there. It is likely to also revolutionize gaming. it is also a portable ps3 as it has graphics as powerful.
The battle or the DS and Psp went to nintendo, but who will win this time? whats your thoughts?
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoShould I trade my dsi in for a 3DS?
Ok, i have this plan where im gonna trade my dsi in for a 3ds. the only problem is, that i have an Action replay dsi, and without a dsi, its useless. and i wont be able to cheat on m ds games. So i was wondering if i should trade in the dsi or just keep it.
cause if i dont trade the dsi, then i probably wont be able to get a 3DS.
5 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoWhich Nintendo Handheld should I get?
Hi, im in a bit of a crisis about which nintendo handheld to get! Now Pokemon Black and White are coming soon, and i already have a dsi. But apparently the Limited Edition Dsi's for the games are gonna be released in Europe at the same time the games are. And i really love the Black one.
However,,, The 3DS is also coming out, and i really want it as well! I cant buy both cause thats too expensive! And i have a feeling the 3DS will be alot £200+.
Im thinking of trading in my dsi to get the Pokemon one. So which should i get?
5 AnswersOther - Games & Gear1 decade agoWhich Handheld should I get?
Hi, im in a bit of a crisis about which nintendo handheld to get! Now Pokemon Black and White are coming soon, and i already have a dsi. But apparently the Limited Edition Dsi's for the games are gonna be released in Europe at the same time the games are. And i really love the Black one.
However,,, The 3DS is also coming out, and i really want it as well! I cant buy both cause thats too expensive! And i have a feeling the 3DS will be alot £200+.
Im thinking of trading in my dsi to get the Pokemon one. So which should i get?
2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade agoHow do I lose weight on my body?
Hi, im 14 years old and im finding losing weight a hard time! i dont know ANY facts at all! I have the whole lot! i have a 37inch stomach, man boobs, weight on my face and also some fat on my arms(its a handfull). my legs however are skinny but my thighs arent that bad.
anyway, i really wanna lose weight, im 11stone which i think is quite wierd cause i swear i was 10stone before. my friends tease me and i think i can look better and be more confident if i look more fit.
can someone just give me a safe workout and diet cause it will really help! im asian so i eat rice everday!
11 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoI DONT KNOW MY HEIGHT!?
I got this new christmas tree, its 6ft and im nearly its size, but when i measured my self (i think i did it wrong) i was was 60inches (arm length). i measured my self again this time from me feet to my head(not all the way to my hair, just my forehead) and it was 63inches.
im 14 btw!
and i was just thinking why im that short, i mean i thought i was 5"5!
2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoHow do I put the whammy bar on my electric guitar?
I bought an electric guitar about 4 weeks ago and it came with a tremelo/whammy bar arm. there is a hole in the bridge but when I screw it in it doesnt do anything. what do i need to do to make it work! do i need to do anything with my amp?
it just gets tighter and tighter, do i need to do anything to the guitar? PLEASE HELP!
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade agoWill Mew fit in My Soul Silver Team?
I got the Mew available on Wi-fi and im going to restart my Soul Silver. I want to make a good team and the team is:
and heres where i dont know who to put. Its either Mew or Raichu. i think raichu would fit better cause then it will be balanced, but then i thought Mew is rare to get and it is a legendary so....
please help!
6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoAre My Future Pokemon HGSS teams good?
Hi i wanted to know if these two future teams are good on my Pokemon HG and SS versions:
Dragonite (or Salamence)
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhich of these Pokemon LV X cards Should i buy?
Hi, im gonna buy some pokemon lv x cards soon, and i really need help to choose which of these to get.
Luxray GL LV X costs £27
however instead of getting Luxray GL LV X, i could get these 3
Rayquaza C LV X Rare
Alakazam 4 LV X
Arceus LV X NO.95(THE ONE THAT IS FIRE AND GRASS) these 3 cost £27 together
so which one should i get?
3 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago