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  2. Food & Drink
  3. Beer, Wine & Spirits

Beer, Wine & Spirits


  • Should I get my mum to hide the bottle of wine from me?

    I’m a recovering mild alcoholic and I’m buying my dad a bottle of good wine for his birthday.  Normally I request that my parents hide alcohol in the house from me when I’m around.  Should I give it straight to my mum to mind for me, to ensure that I don’t drink it?  

    1 Answer6 days ago
  • Can you suggest a good every-day bourbon?

    I’m enjoying a Michter’s but it’s a tad overpriced.

    4 Answers7 days ago
  • weird reactions to caffeine and alcohol?

    I always get tired when i drink caffeine, not an hour or a few hours later, just right when i drink it i never get the rush of it. Similarly alcohol doesnt make me drowsy in the slightest, it makes me more awake. ill still get drunk but i wont feel tired at all and i can never get to sleep if i drink. i dont take any prescription meds (my friend thought thats what would cause it) does anyone know what the issue could be?

    2 Answers1 week ago
  • Am I a lightweight?

    I was drinking with my uncle and his friend last night, we started around 11:30 pm. I had 3 Twisted Teas and 3 Bud Lights. By 3 or 4 am all those Twisted Teas and Beers were consumed (the amount above) I could tell I was slurring my words slightly and was a little off-balance. I remember everything was fully conscious of my actions. I weigh about 240 pounds and hadn't eaten a lot yesterday. Does this mean I'm a lightweight.

    4 Answers1 week ago
  • How drunk can you get at Disney world ?

    I’m going to Disney world with my nephews next week and the only way I’ll be able to bear all that bullshit is if I’m absolutely blasted.  I want to be blackout drunk the entire time so I don’t remember a damn thing.  I’ve heard there are bars that’s but do they cap your drinking or something ?  I figured they’d go around and breathylze all the adults since it’s a kids place.  If so, got any ways around it?  I was thinking I’ll sneak in a flask of vodka too.  Thanks !

    4 Answers1 week ago
  • Is it bad that I drank more than half a bottle of Vodka last night?

    You know those 700ml Vodka? Yeah, there's hardly 200ml left from the looks of it. I went to bed shortly after getting drunk and all I remember is that I really wanted to puke but somehow I managed to hold it in. I'm feeling kind of sick still and also tired. How bad is this? I got drunk plenty in the past and that's why I don't puke really.

    6 Answers1 week ago
  • I'm going to get drunk tonight, what should I do?

    I'm going to spend the night alone drunk because I have nothing better to do. I hardly get drunk but I decided at the shops I should get vodka and eat popcorn because why not? I was planning to play some games online and talk to people on discord for lols. What else should I do? I prefer to stay indoors tonight.

    6 Answers1 week ago
  • What beer or liquor gives you the most tummy trouble?

    Extremely curious

    I don’t think my stomach is built for either of the two.

    17 Answers2 weeks ago