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Marriage & Divorce


  • Should i just forget this guy?

    I like this guy from my apartment complex. We are in lockdown but i had to speak with him about issues relating to the complex two weeks ago and some of it was tense. It was my first time meeting him face to face and we spoke in the hallway for about an hour with masks on. During this time i found i really liked him. We exchanged a few emails and i ended up a few weeks later sending him an apology for the exchange we had. But I suppose I was hoping he'd see I like him.

    He replied with a really nice email but nothing encouraging really.

    Just ''hopefully see you around the complex when it gets warmer''

    I know were in lockdown and nothing has been scheduled to open but i was hoping for something more. Should i just forget him. He didnt give me any indication at all that he even found me attractive?

    1 Answer6 days ago
  • Andrew Burlingame the 27 year old and iMac 2008 20 inch?


    1 Answer6 days ago
  • One for guys who have been married at least 5 years and actually love their wife... What would you do?

    Let's say your wife has been upset with the marriage for over a year, and after not getting anywhere with communicating, even after trying all recommended communication skills by the Gottman institute (honestly they are the best) she moves into another room, and is on a waiting list for a house. She says she wants you to organise marriage counseling as that's the only way she will stay with you because the issues keep going unaddressed and you both know you need external help.

    How long would you go with your wife sleeping in another room, without bothering to get the help your marriage needs?

    Genuine question. Please only give genuine replies.

    5 Answers6 days ago
  • Accused of hiding stuff but your spouse is the one who does it. Let's get a convo started pls. Help me understand.?

    Okay so, last weekend I ordered Uber eats for me and the kids for dinner. My husband was in his garage drinking (as usual). I went to throw out the trash and I told him I had ordered food (fyi I paid the order!) So saturday and sunday passes and monday afternoon he flips out and says why I am hiding stuff from him and that he "only knew" bc he went into our online banking (he rarley deposits money in it) he made a huge deal meanwhile I told him he was notified with details etc. He went way over dramatic that night. I didn't say a word to him at all that night until the next day. He still had a damn attitude. So he has the audacity to make this huge drama about ordering Uber eats and supposedly me not telling him. But today he went to his ex's house (I found out bc his gmail is on the computer) he was there over an hour. He never told me he was going to pass by to "see his son" anyway why does he make it big and says I hide stuff when he is the one doing it?

    My problem is not him seeing his child if that is what he really went to do but why accuse me if I am not doing that, but he does it alot and never mentions anything to me. 

    I text him if he was okay bc he usually is texting throughout the day and after 2 pm today he didn't log into social media (weird) but his response was "are you okay 😏" and got so mad he said in spanish that if I am going to start **** again and blocked me?! 

    What the hell is his issue?

    3 Answers6 days ago
  • I always considered my friend to be a kind and caring person so why is he ending our friendship over something so petty ?

    We are both single and attractive people in our 30’s. Im 

    recently single after being married for 7 years and I thought I would become friends with benefits with this guy in an attempt to detach from my ex husband. Also I want more sexual experience since I’ve only ever had my husband as my sex partner. Im not looking for a relationship and he’s not looking for one either. But he said the next woman he gets with he wants to be his wife. I’ve known him for a very long time I mean since we were 19. We had dated casually back in college nothing serious though. He was talking about how we both have grown and matured since then. So we agreed to just satisfy each other sexually since we are both single. He was very respectful towards me during sex and asked me what I felt comfortable doing and he told me I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t feel comfortable with. He was asking me what sorts of things Turn me on the most. When we go to do the act I discover his package is tiny he can’t even put it in me it’s that small. didn’t expect to him to have a tiny package. So I said don’t we don’t have to have sex because it’s not going to work out if he can’t even put it in. He said we can try a different position and I was like I don’t think any poSition is gonna work. I told him I needed to be honest with him and I don’t want to hurt his feelings but he is very small.. I mean the size of my thumb. I’ve never experienced that before my ex husband was 10 inches and I was caught off guard. 

    4 Answers6 days ago
  • My friends think my husband abuses me. ?

    My husband has gained about 30 pounds since the beginning of the quarantine. My friends joked around with him and asked him what he’s been eating. Long story short, they found out that I have been doing most of the cooking and cleaning our entire marriage. 

    I was in an abusive relationship before I met my husband and my ex would hit me if I didn’t cook or clean the way he wanted me to. He thought it was a woman’s job to do those things. I think that’s the reason my friends are asking me if the same thing is going on with my husband. They suspect that he’s abusive. My husband is definitely not abusive, he never asks me or tells me to cook and clean, I do it voluntarily because I like doing it. I guess I could be considered “old fashioned”. I am better at cooking than he is lol 

    I really don’t want my friends to think that my husband abuses me. He’s the sweetest and most easygoing guy I’ve ever met. But I don’t know if they completely believe me or not. 

    4 Answers6 days ago
  • My friend said she recommends single women to keep their options open while dating so they can detach but isn’t that a lot of energy ?

    Doesn’t it take a lot of time and energy to try to date multiple men ? How do people find the time especially when most adults work full time 

    2 Answers6 days ago
  • Am I over reacting about my husbands pot use?

    So my husband used to be a pot head before I met him (20+ years ago). I am one that has always been against pot.. I have never smoked pot/illegal drugs. When my husband started smoking pot again (maybe 5 years ago or so) I was totally against it and hated it.. main reason was because it was illegal (at the time) and I didnt think he should be doing it as an adult and since we had a child, it shouldnt be in our house, etc. Fast forward to this past year, my husband started smoking pot again (excessively-every night). When he smokes he gets "stupid", he's not himself, talking about dumb stuff and I just cant have a normal conversation with him. He is also VERY unreliable when he is high. Example being that we have 2 kids at home, I was in a lot of pain (11:30pm) and I had to call my FATHER to take me to the hospital because my husband was "too tired" (stoned) to take me. I ended up with appendicitis and had to get my appendix removed, all while my husband slept at home and wouldnt answer my calls/texts for me to tell him that I wasnt coming home. I know its legal now and thats not even the issue anymore, its the fact that he isnt himself (ever) and I want my husband back! I want to feel safe like I used to, and not always worry that I cant rely on him for anything. Talking to him about cutting back isnt gonna work because he is a recovering alcoholic and he doesnt know his limits or when to stop. So for him its either all or nothing.. What should I do? Its effecting our family!

    6 Answers6 days ago
  • Why some people say that men cannot accept women with a child?

    When I've seen countless real life examples where the guy actually fell in love, married, and even had further children with said woman?! I'm definately not in this position but I was just thinking about this type of man. One of the main reasons I had problems in my last serious relationship was because the HE was the one with a child! I know I know it was immature of me to do and I realize now that if I really loved  someone, I had to accept their past! Not like they could have changed it! 

    3 Answers6 days ago
  • am I the only one? ?

    I've fallen out of love, and I can tell very well that my husband too. I guess is just the fact knowing that we can sleep whenever he wants or I want. But other than that, not even our children are holding this marriage together. I might consider divorce some day, but I like my comfort and I think he does too. We are just playing house without the feelings. It's been a long time, close to hitting the 20th yr mark. I guess if I find someone special or he does, we will call it quits for good.....

    5 Answers6 days ago
  • I've asked this question before but since it's the last day and I need a bit more advice. What do I do in my situation now?

    Im originally from Canada. 3 years ago, my parents flew me abroad and I leaned I was getting into an arrange marriage. It was a forced marriage actually. I've asked this question before and people criticized me thinking I was a troll or dumb. But they don't know what my situation is like. I've been living here illegally for 3 years. My husband is still working on my paperwork and stuff. But the problem is, I want to get back home. I didn't want to be married or trapped in some foreign country. I took some people's advice and called the embassy multiple times over the past 3 months. I get no reply every single time. My passport has expired and I'm scared of getting trapped here. I've been going through extreme depression and suicidal thoughts. My passport has been expired for an entire year and a half and I don't know what to do now. What do I do at this point? Should I just leave and go to a woman's shelter and try to get help elsewhere? I don't know how to go about this and I'm exhausted. I've reached my breaking point and I'm about to actually off myself from this world.

    4 Answers6 days ago
  • why are Americans so unsensitive?

    I live in a situation where I have no family up here, no where to go, my husband knows I wanna divorce his *** because of the way he treats me. I have no money because I recently started a new job and the money the gov gave us he kept it all because he pays most of the bills, when I have medical bills for when we had our daughter and all I have receive from American people is, stones so to speak, that I am stupid, that I don't deserve that money, that my English sucks. I HAVE NO MONEY, NO WHERE TO GO and I live in the state of MS the ONLY state where you have to have grounds for divorce. I HAVE NO CREDIT FOR A HOUSE and now my husband wants to take me to live somewhere I don't want to be ALL I am asking for is a normal life. And I have receive NO good things from Americans in this forum I used to refuse to hate ANYONE but now I am starting to understand why the rest of the world hates Americans, are ALL Americans this unsensitive?? I feel dragged by a monstroucious river to the point I have even considered suicide and NO ONE has given me a little bit of piece of mind why????

    7 Answers7 days ago
  • My wife is becoming a bit of a hoarder- what do I do?

    The company she works for recently returned to working in-person, and now she'll bring back stuff from the office- pens, post-its, sometimes cupcakes if people bring them in. But recently she's started hauling in whole-*** computer chairs, monitors, computer towers- pretty soon I found out this company is MORE than going out of business. They're having a goddamn auction. She's apparently been bidding big bucks for the furniture, computers, even a coffee machine! I ask where she's getting the money for this, she says she's been dipping into her 401k! It's her money, but damn, it seems irresponsible- and now our house is cluttered with office furniture! She says she's gonna sell it, but she seems to be in no rush. What the hell do I do?

    10 Answers7 days ago
  • What do I do in the meantime?

    So my husband and I are having issues in our marriage. We're waiting on marriage counseling but it's fully booked out for the next three months. He doesn't communicate with me about most things. He's always too tired after work during the week to have meaningful conversations. And on the weekends he's in a mood and focused on just what he wants to do with the day because he's done nothing but work all week. We cuddle at night when we go to sleep. And we have sex but there's no real emotional connecting happening outside of those two things. I feel lonely and sad borderline depressed most of the time. I cannot survive three more months like this. What do I do?

    5 Answers7 days ago