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Help with replacing an electric range?
I have a free standing electric range (that sits flush against the wall) that needs to be replaced. Can I just do that myself if I have it delivered? Is it a simple procedure? I can have the old one picked up by the bulk trash people. But I don't want to screw up the installation. I know this may sound stupid, but is it just a matter of plugging the new one in where the old one was? Or is it more complicated than that? Of course I'm replacing the old one with a new one of the same size, components, etc. Thanks for the help!
5 Answers
- Bert CLv 71 decade agoFavourite answer
You need to move the cord from the old range to the new one, following the connection instruction manual for the new range. Then just plug in the new one and level it according the the instructions (also in the manual).
- 1 decade ago
Check the plug type first. Draw a picture of the way the contacts are on the plug or the outlet and take it with you. That funny looking metal bracket that will come with the new Range, is a bracket to prevent a fore ward tip over. The "U" shape on the bracket fits over the rear leg of the range. Be sure to attach it firmly to the back wall or floor with medium size screws at least 2" long before operating the new stove. The bottom 2 holes on the back of the bracket should reach the bottom plate in the wall behind the drywall. Make sure its level from front to back and side to side . It is really simple. The directions with the new range will explain how to level it. YOU CAN DO IT.
Source(s): Home Repair is my business - Hex92Lv 51 decade ago
Go to Lowes, buy the new range. Have it delivered - they even have free delivery via rebate- and they will haul away the old one.
It doesn't get any easier than that. If you want to do it yourself it is very simple to do: Pull out the old one. Plug in the new one.
You just need to know your cord prong configuration. You probably can re-use your old cord if you want to save a few $$.
- John himselfLv 61 decade ago
Good appliance stores will deliver the new stove, install it, and remove the old one and take it with them. Ask at the store before you buy. If they tell you no to the above, go to a different store. It is almost simple to install one, but not quite.
Source(s): I'm a real electrician - Anonymous1 decade ago
actually that's all there is to it...but most important you need to know if the available outlets are 120 or 220 and if they are 220 you need to know what plugs will fit should make a drawing of what the outlet looks like before you buy a new range